Research to Industrial Practice Award
Bruce Pint -
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- Title: Interim Section Head
- Affiliation: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
- Quote: I would like to thank TMS for this award and those who nominated me. I’ve had the opportunity to work on a number of great projects for the Department of Energy that have benefited US companies and helped create and maintain jobs in this country. I also would like to thank my mentors including Linn Hobbs at MIT, Dennis Hetzner at Timken and Peter Tortorelli, Ian Wright, Jim DiStefano and Jack DeVan at ORNL and a special mention to the technicians in the corrosion group that make the experiments happen.
- Citation: For widespread impact in the industrial application of high-temperature materials & corrosion research to the energy industry including turbines, nuclear power, recuperators, boilers, and advanced cycles.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Alan Luo -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Quote: I am deeply honored to receive the Application to Industrial Practice Award from my peers at TMS. As a materials scientist and engineer, I have always believed that the best scientific research should lead to real-world applications. I am thankful for my students, colleagues, and collaborators who helped me achieve these innovations. I also feel fortunate to be associated with TMS during my industrial and academic career. The TMS community has always been a source of scientific knowledge and endless inspiration for innovations.
- Citation: For outstanding research and practical contributions to light metals technology and industrial applications.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Oden Warren -
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- Title: General Manager
- Affiliation: Bruker Nano Surfaces Division, Eden Prairie, MN
- Quote: I am thrilled to receive this award because it also honors the great customers, collaborators, colleagues, and mentors who have meant so much to me over the years, and I very much appreciate that it comes from TMS, which is the main society of the nanomechanics community that I call home. I took to heart Sir Humphry Davy’s quote “nothing begets good science like the development of a good instrument,” so it became a passion of mine to encourage scientific discovery through technology advancement. I find it satisfying whenever I learn that breakthrough research has been achieved using an instrument that I had a big hand in creating, not just because of the affirmation of my career, but also because of the contribution to the body of knowledge and the benefit to those who did the research.
- Citation: For the development of advanced commercial nanomechanical testing instrumentation and experimental techniques to determine structure-mechanical property relationships in materials.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Kazuhiro Nogita -
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- Title: Associate Professor/ Director
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, Bisbane, Qld, Australia
- Quote: I am humbled to be receiving this award. I must acknowledge all of those that have contributed to the work of our Centre over recent years for Pb-free solder and electronic packaging research. Having such great industry support as well as being part of the TMS community and benefiting from communication with other excellent researchers has made my research possible and enjoyable. Over the past 20 years I have learnt a lot from this community and the TMS Annual Meeting continues to be a highlight of my year
- Citation: For establishing the multiple effects of Ni in Pb-free solder alloys, opening the way for a new generation of high-reliability, thermodynamically stable interconnects.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Alan Taub -
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- Title: Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- Quote: It is quite an honor to be recognized by my colleagues at TMS for the Application to Practice Award. I have always felt that performing leading edge scientific discovery and then applying those insights to technology development and commercialization is key to world class innovation. I have been fortunate in being able to practice that approach in both industry and academia. The TMS meetings have always provided an excellent forum for presenting and discussing the results of that research.
- Citation: Leadership that led to the formulation and execution of novel industrial research and development projects which brought together many parts of the supply chain, and demonstrated that modern materials design practices can lead to new products and pathways to success for the entire manufacturing industry.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Don Lipkin -
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- Title: Materials Scientist
- Affiliation: General Electric Co, Niskayuna, NY
- Citation: For outstanding contributions to the application of materials science to gas turbine technology, especially on protective coatings that enable benefits in efficiency and environmental impact.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Chih Chen -
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- Title: Distinguished Professor & Chairman
- Affiliation: National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan
- Quote: It is my great honor to receive the TMS Application to Practice Award. TMS is the world's largest society in the fields of metallurgy and materials, and I have been attending the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition since 2003. My students and I enjoy participating in these exciting events very much. I greatly appreciate the recognition from the TMS Honors and Professional Recgnition Committee and the TMS Board of Directors.
- Citation: For his seminal contributions to electronic interconnect and packaging technology, especially the applications of nano-twinned Cu to Cu-to-Cu direct bounding and low-resistance Cu fine lines.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Sanjay Sampath -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY
- Quote: I am truly gratified and humbled to receive this recognition from my peers, mentors, and the society. I am grateful to the nominators as well as to the extended group of students and colleagues in our Center that contributed to the development of thermal spray science and technology. This TMS Application to Practice Award is significant in that it recognizes the importance manufacturing science of materials and the value of linkages between academic research and industrial practice. We hope this TMS award will further expand research and applications in this exciting field of materials processing.
- Citation: For seminal contributions to the fundamental science of thermal spray materials processes and engineered surfaces with relentless efforts at promoting transition of scientific knowledge into industrial practice.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Robert Wagstaff -
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- Title: Director and Global Team Leader
- Affiliation: Novelis Corporation, Spokane Valley, WA
- Quote: Thirty years ago, when first I submitted my application to join the society, a group of us would arrive early on Sunday to purchase the proceedings and then dedicate the remainder of the evening to reading each paper in detail so that we were prepared to listen and participate in the sessions that intrigued us most. I continued attending each year to gain a better understanding of the current industry practices. In the early days, every year was also a remarkable opportunity to meet with and hear from my mentors. With the mentors of my youth absent at the sessions of today, I still find myself excited on the Sunday evenings prior to the conference. These days however, I am increasingly excited with the prospect of introducing and adopting new concepts and technology on a large scale. This award recognizes not only my career but also friends and mentors who helped me understand the importance of coupling theory with practical practice, the real recipients of this award.
- Citation: For three decades of leadership in the safety, quality and productivity of aluminum casting including Airslip, LHC, Fusion, In-situ, and Flextreme technologies.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Guanghui Lang -
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- Title: Board Chair
- Affiliation: Sunstone Development Co. Ltd., Beijing, China
- Quote: We’ve emphasized green technologies, maximizing the use of recycled materials and saving energy, reducing costs, and reducing pollutants for many years. The TMS Application to Practice Award is a special recognition for our achievements. With TMS’s support, we hope to bring our technologies to the whole industry.
- Citation: For innovative and environmentally friendly production of carbon anode from green petroleum coke, and development of waste heat recovery to generate electricity.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Iver Anderson -
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- Title: Senior Metallurgist
- Affiliation: Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
- Quote: Thank you so much for this 2014 TMS Society award for “Application to Practice.” I am very grateful and honored to receive this high honor from my peers in TMS. I am especially pleased that one of my former graduate students (Paul Prichard) nominated me, which I consider to be the ultimate compliment. Paul and all of my former students, colleagues, and collaborators over the years know how central to my focus in the use of scientific discovery to solve problems that enable new pathways to making useful materials that can promote benefits to our society. I could not ask for a more appropriate award at this time and sincerely appreciate this recognition from the profession that I serve.
- Citation: For seminal contributions in the fundamental understanding, engineering development and technology transition of alloy development and gas atomization of powder metals. The broad application of his expertise has enabled the development in many materials systems including: lead free solders, light metals, magnetic materials, high temperature materials, energy storage and magneto-caloric materials. His perseverance from R&D through commercialization demonstrates the beneficial impact a dedicated materials scientist has on society.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Timothy Weihs -
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- Affiliation: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Quote: I am thrilled to receive the 2013 TMS Application to Practice Award. As a materials scientist and engineer, I strive to understand both the scientific issues that control the behavior of materials and the more practical issue that control its use and implementation. Thus, I feel particularly honored to receive this award. I also feel lucky to be part of the TMS community. TMS offers an ability to explores both ends of the materials development process, the science and the application, thereby offering a valuable service to its members. I look forward to celebrating with the other award recipients at the annual meeting.
- Citation: For commercializing reactive multilayer foils with requisite scientific understanding, innovation and sustainable economics, and for inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Mark Taylor -
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- Affiliation: University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
- Quote: My professional life has been concerned with developing and transferring technology to industry. The hardest part of research is application, yet this is usually not acknowledged by academics. This award, and John Chen's nomination of me for it, is very important for me because it has been my career objective to apply research with excellence to practical situations in the aluminum industry.
- Citation: For being an internationally recognized authority in light metals science, engineering, and technology
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Brian Thomas -
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- Title: C.J. Gauthier Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- Affiliation: University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
- Quote: "I have been privileged to be a TMS member for 24 years. TMS brings leading academic and industrial researchers together, and fosters both scientific inquiry towards fundamental understanding and practical industrial applications to benefit society. I am deeply honored to receive this recognition from my colleagues."
- Citation: For his many fundamental insights and practical contributions to improving the quality and technology of the continuous casting of steel.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Carol Handwerker -
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- Title: Professor of Materials Engineering
- Affiliation: Purdue University, Indiana
- Quote: "For decades TMS has played a major role in nurturing the discussion of the materials science and engineering of electronic interconnects. In the transition from Sn-Pb solders to Pb-free electronics, TMS has been THE forum for the community to disseminate its newest results, discuss open issues, and debate the tradeoffs between different alloys with a serious focus on applications. I am very grateful to TMS for conferring on me the TMS Application to Practice for my work on Pb-free solder and for continuing to provide a open, exciting scientific forum where materials scientists and engineers can address problems of national concern."
- Citation: For technical contributions and leadership in the development and adoption of lead-free solders across a wide range of industrial sectors.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Morris Fine -
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- Title: Professor Emeritus
- Affiliation: Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Semyon Vaynman -
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- Title: Research Associate Professor Department of Materials Science & Engineering
- Affiliation: Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Gregory Yurek -
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- Title: President & CEO
- Affiliation: American Superconductor Corp., Westborough, Massachusetts
- Citation: For his unique and significant accomplishments in transferring pioneering research into the development of new high-temperature superconducting materials and systems technologies for advanced applications
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Frederick Pettit -
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- Title: Professor Emeritus
- Affiliation: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Citation: For outstanding contributions in research and development in the area of coatings for the protection of high-temperature alloys.
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Vinod Sikka -
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- Title: Manager of Research & Technology
- Affiliation: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
- Citation: For his many accomplishments in bringing new materials to worldwide processing industries through leading laboratory-scale R&D to commercial implementation
Research to Industrial Practice Award
No award given.
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- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
No award given.
- Title:
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- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
James Williams -
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- Title: Honda Professor & Dean of Engineering
- Affiliation: Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
- Quote: “Engineering is an economic activity. Materials engineering’s contribution to successful products often goes unnoticed. This award raises the visibility of materials engineering contribution to successful products.”
- Citation: "For outstanding achievement in transforming materials and process research and development into production of higher-performance, longer-life components for commercial and military aircraft engines."
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Michael Gigliotti -
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- Title: Metallurgist
- Affiliation: General Electric Corporate Research & Development,
- Quote: “I am very honored by this award which affirms the worth of conducting industrial research toward adapting newly-developed processes and materials to commercial products. TMS membership and meetings-attendance are participation in the ideas-marketplace for our profession. The privilege to present results of work – and to get feedback from peers – is of great value.”
- Citation: "For contributions to superalloy eutectics and airfoil casting, development of Ti-Al alloys, and processing of Ti alloys to increase inspectability while minimizing occurrence of Ti-N inclusions."
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Edward Loria -
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- Title: Metallurgical Consultant, Retired
- Affiliation: Universal-Cyclops Corp.,
- Quote: “This award means so much to me as it recognizes my career of over 50 years in transferring research findings and plant developments into commercial practice for a wide range of metals and alloys. It has been my life and I enjoy it even to this day. As a TMS Legion of Honor Member, the association and friendship with my peers has inspired me and benefited my work through many years of TMS activities.”
- Citation: "For transferring significant research results into commercial practice for a wide range of metals and alloys, over a career of more than 50 years with several companies and application to several industries."
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Dwaine Klarstrom -
View Details
- Title: Director of Research & Product Development
- Affiliation: Hayes International, Inc.,
- Quote: “I have spent most of my professional career in R&D on developing new corrosion resistant and high temperature alloys. This award verifies the success of that endeavor. I am especially proud of the fact that I was selected by a committee of my technical peers. No other such award would have as much meaning for me personally and professionally.”
- Citation: "For outstanding contributions in the invention and commercialization of HAYNES® 230™, B-3™ and HAYNES® HR-120™ that have been used extensively in flying and land-based gas turbine engines, and in the chemical processing and heat-treating industries."
Research to Industrial Practice Award
H. Hayden -
View Details
- Title: Manager, Engineering Materials Section
- Affiliation: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
- Quote: "Applying technology to practice as new production processes and new products is the determinant for establishing the real value of research and development. The creation of market opportunities exceeds the creation of knowledge as the essential basis for ensuring continuing support for technology development. I am very honored to be recognized by TMS for my role in applying materials technology to practice. I hope that my continuing efforts in support of advanced materials will match the spirit of this award."
- Citation: "For his many successes in translating material research into commercial products and processes."
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Francois d'Heurle -
View Details
- Title: Adjunct Professor
- Affiliation: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- Quote: "I remember fondly attending my first scientific meeting with my thesis professor, Paul Gordon, at the TMS winter meeting in New Orleans in February 1957. This seems like prehistory now: we traveled overnight from Chicago by train and did not dream of computers. Yet a year later, I joined the IBM Research Division and got involved in the problems of materials used in the first solid-state computers. My systematic training as a metallurgist was extremely helpful throughout my career. I thank TMS for recognizing my contributions, however humble they may be. I also want to thank publicly the many unacknowledged friends and colleagues who made all of this possible."
- Citation: "His invention of Al-Cu thin film conductors is widely used in modern computers without which their life would be shortened significantly due to electromigration failures. He has also done seminal work on metal silicide solid state reactions for applications in computers."
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Amit Chatterjee -
View Details
- Title: Senior Technical Advisor
- Affiliation: Tata Iron & Steel Co., Jamsehdput, India
- Quote: "This award means a lot to me as it comes at a time when I have just turned 50. Getting recognition at this stage from TMS as an Indian is doubly gratifying as I understand that I am the first Indian to receive this honor from a very prestigious body. It gives me personal satisfaction that it has brought tremendous joy to my wife and daughter and particularly to my father who, as an elderly metallurgist who is almost 85 years old, was filled with joy when he heard the news. For these reasons, I am thankful to TMS for having selected me for this honor, which I hope I deserve."
- Citation: "For his pioneering research, development, and commercialization effort on coal-based direct-reduction of iron."
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Robert Laudise - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Frank Wagstaff - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Werner Fischer - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
William Boesch - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Marc Newkirk - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Oeystein Boeyurn - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
Ravindra Nadkarni - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
William Slichter - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
King-Ning Tu - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
G. Chandley - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Research to Industrial Practice Award
John Gilman -
View Details
- Title: Senior Technical Advisor
- Affiliation: Tata Iron & Steel Co., Jamsehdput, India