Bruce Chalmers Award
Enrique Lavernia -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- Quote: I am surprised and humbled by this recognition. I want to thank the many students and colleagues who have enriched my personal and professional life and contributed to this award. I am also grateful to TMS, a society I joined in 1982 as a graduate student.
- Citation: For innovative and pioneering studies on the fundamental mechanisms that govern the interrelationship between processing, microstructure, and mechanical behavior of structural materials.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Narendra Dahotre -
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- Title: Regents Professor & Associate Vice President
- Affiliation: The University of North Texas, Denton, TX
- Quote: It is a great honor to have been chosen for 2023 Bruce Chalmers Award. Bruce Chalmers’ work on fundamental of solidification in general and constitutional supercooling in particular remained important aspects of my research on laser-materials interaction and its implementation in laser-based materials processing and advanced manufacturing throughout my graduate work followed by the academic career. Especially, it continues to remain a key element of fundamental understanding of material microstructure (grain and phase) evolution under far from equilibrium thermo-kinetic conditions evolved during laser-based material processing/manufacturing. I thank TMS for recognizing the fundamental contributions of Bruce Chalmers to solidification metallurgy and continued work in the field by others through this award. This honor was made possible by the contributions of my students, research fellows, and collaborators, and therefore this award belongs to all of us.
- Citation: For pioneering contributions to understanding and engineering of laser-materials interactions and implementation of high power lasers for materials processing/manufacturing, surface engineering and additive manufacturing.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Carl V. Thompson -
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- Title: Stavros Salapatas Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
- Quote: I am deeply honored to have been chosen for this award. While Professor Chalmers’ own research focused on solidification, his fundamental focus was on linking new insights into the mechanisms of structure evolution, to new ways of making materials that achieved engineering goals. He was an early practitioner and advocate for this approach that now forms the basis of materials science and engineering as we know it today, whether it involves development of the scientific basis for processing of ingots or thin films.
- Citation: For pioneering scholarly work defining the processing-structure-property connections in thin-film and small-scale metallic materials broadly impacting the microelectronics industry.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Alan Luo -
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- Title: Professor & Director
- Affiliation: Ohio State University, Westerfield OH United States
- Quote: I am greatly honored to receive the prestigious TMS Bruce Chalmers Award and deeply humbled to be associated with its namesake, a pioneer in solidification science, and to join my esteemed colleagues of past awardees. This award recognizes my research in light metals casting and forming, alloy development and automotive applications. I am grateful for the tremendous support and contributions from my industrial collaborators, university colleagues and many students and post-docs. I also thank TMS for providing excellent technical meetings and networking opportunities for my research and career development.
- Citation: For his outstanding contributions to light metal processing, alloy development and automotive applications.
Bruce Chalmers Award
David StJohn -
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- Title: Emeritus Professor
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD, Australia
- Quote: It is a great honor to have been chosen for this award. Bruce Chalmers’ work on constitutional supercooling was an important concept studied during my Ph.D. and it has been a key element of my, and my colleagues', research on grain refinement and nucleation ever since. Of the many awards that TMS offers, this one is closest to my research interests and I thank TMS for recognizing the contribution that Bruce Chalmers made to metallurgy and, in particular, the field of solidification. Receiving this Award was made possible by the contributions of my students, research fellows, and collaborators and therefore this award belongs to all of us.
- Citation: For outstanding contributions to the solidification science of nucleation during grain refinement and the materials processing of aluminum, magnesium and titanium alloys of technological importance.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Dieter Herlach -
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- Title: Full Professor
- Affiliation: German Aerospace Center, Köln, Germany
- Citation: For his key contributions in rapid solidification and solidification experiments under reduced gravity, which have enlightened our understanding of dendritic growth at large undercooling and the influence of convection.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Jyotirmoy Mazumder -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- Quote: TMS has been my intellectual home since 1979. TMS contributed tremendously to my professional growth and quenched a big part of my intellectual curiosity. My introduction to solidification science was with Professor Chalmer’s text book. I even used his text book and Professor’s Fleming’s text book when I started teaching myself. I am humbled by the association with Chalmers and Flemings through this award.
- Citation: For development and commercialization of closed-loop direct metal deposition process for additive manufacturing of metals and fundamental knowledge of laser processing of materials.
Bruce Chalmers Award
S. Semiatin -
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- Title: Senior Scientist
- Affiliation: U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH
- Quote: I am deeply honored to have been selected for the TMS Bruce Chalmers Award and to join the company of prior recipients whom I so admire. I view this award as a recognition of the research in the area of thermomechanical processing performed by our team, including colleagues and friends in our lab, in industry, and at various universities. This work has been aided greatly by people I have met and ideas garnered as a member of TMS. These interactions have been very fulfilling indeed, both professionally and personally.
- Citation: For exceptional contributions to the science and engineering of thermomechanical processing of aerospace alloys, mentoring of young engineers, and technology transfer to industry.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Michael Aziz -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
- Quote: This award is special to me because of the high esteem in which I hold Chalmers as a pioneer of solidification. The first literature citation of my first publication is a paper by Biloni and Chalmers, where they made a conjecture about the kinetics that my work subsequently proved to be correct. As he had retired before I came to Harvard, I met him only once, but pointed this out to him, and he was pleased to hear the story.
- Citation: For basic theoretical and experimental contributions to the understanding of solute trapping, laser processing, and ion beam modification of surfaces.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Carl Koch -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
- Quote: It is indeed a great honor to receive the 2015 Bruce Chalmers Award. Bruce Chalmers was a pioneer in the science of solidification processing and the important concept of constitutional super cooling was developed by him. I taught this for many years in my course on metal processing. While most of the previous awardees made their contributions in solidification processing theory or experiment, the recent expansion of this award to other areas of materials processing to include my research of mechanical attrition of powders has allowed me to receive this high honor. I always consider TMS to be my main professional society and I am therefore very grateful for this recognition.
- Citation: For pioneering contributions in nonequilibrium processing and characterization of nanostructured materials.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Pradeep Rohatgi -
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- Title: Distinguished Professor
- Affiliation: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
- Quote: I feel humbled and honored by Bruce Chalmers award for 2014. Bruce Chalmers was one of the leaders in solidification and I had the privilege of being advised by him on several aspects of my thesis on solidification while I was at MIT. I have had the privilege of extending the basic concepts of solidification developed by Bruce Chalmers to solidification synthesis and processing of metal matrix composites, syntactic foams and self healing materials. I have been a member of TMS for 50 years it is a great feeling to receive this TMS award this year. TMS has been a great facilitator in my research through its networking opportunities and information base.
- Citation: For internationally recognized leadership in research on solidification processing of metal matrix composites which stimulated worldwide research, technology development, manufacture and use by industry.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Sindo Kou -
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- Affiliation: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
- Quote: I am grateful to the Bruce Chalmers Award nomination committee and TMS for recognizing my contributions to the science and technology of materials processing in the areas of welding, casting and semiconductor bulk crystal growth, which have focused on transport phenomena, solidification and defects. TMS is where metallurgical principles and their applications have always been pursued with much more enthusiasm and in much greater detail than any other professional societies that I am aware of. I am proud to be a TMS member.
- Citation: For outstanding contributions to materials processing in advancing the understanding and control of cracking, segregation, and transport phenomena during welding, casting, and crystal growth.
Bruce Chalmers Award
A. Greer -
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- Affiliation: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Great Britain
- Citation: For his seminal contributions in the area of nucleation in particular for the role of inoculants in aluminum alloys and for the formation of bulk metallic glasses.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Peter Voorhees -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
- Quote: “I have been a member of TMS since graduate school and have attended TMS meetings regularly since then. These meetings have played a critical role in my career by facilitating interactions with colleagues. I am grateful for the many contributions of my students, postdocs and colleagues to my work and the support of my family. I am honored to be chosen to receive the Bruce Chalmers award.”
- Citation: Theoretical and experimental research that has significantly deepened our understanding of the coarsening of the solid phase in liquid-solid systems, and the directional solidification of concentrated multicomponent systems.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Christoph Beckermann -
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- Title: Foundation Distinguished Professor, Director of Solidification Laboratory
- Affiliation: University of Iowa,
- Quote: “The Bruce Chalmers award is a great honor and recognition by my peers that my research has had some impact in the field of solidification. It is mainly through TMS meetings that I learned about the many fascinating aspects of solidification, from both scientific and industrial perspectives. TMS also allowed me to make the connections that are necessary to work in this interdisciplinary field. I would like to share this award with all of my former graduate students and collaborators.”
- Citation: For his impact on the solidification community involved in modeling of microstructures.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Harold Brody -
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- Title: Materials Science & Engineering Distinguished Professor
- Affiliation: University of Connecticut,
- Quote: “When I was a graduate student, the Harvard and MIT research groups of Professor Bruce Chalmers and of Professor Merton Flemings, one of the first Chalmers Award recipients, interacted and held combined seminars. These two pioneers of solidification research and leading materials science, and engineering educators inspired and served as models for my professional career. To be nominated for this award by my former research students and to be selected by a panel of previous Bruce Chalmers Award recipients, many of whom participated in those combined seminars and research groups, is extremely gratifying.”
Bruce Chalmers Award
Alain Karma -
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- Title: College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor
- Affiliation: Northeaster University, Boston, Massachusetts
- Quote: “I feel greatly honored by the Bruce Chalmers award. Especially important to me is the recognition by my peers that rigorous theoretical and computational approaches rooted in statistical physics are having a major impact on solidification fundamentals and processing. TMS meetings provide an important forum to foster this interdisciplinary line of research at the frontier of solidification science. I would like to extend special thanks to Jim Langer for introducing me to this fascinating field 25 years ago, to Rohit Trivedi and Wilfried Kurz for providing a constant source of inspiration for my group’s research over the past two decades, and to the many talented graduate students, postdocs, and colleagues who made it uniquely possible to carry out this research and share this award.”
- Citation: For his many outstanding and innovative contributions to the science and technology of solidification and for providing exceptional insight into the fundamentals of microstructure evolution.
Bruce Chalmers Award
David Poirier -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Arizona,
- Citation: Benchmark solidification contributions of fundamental and technological importance; for scholarly writings including a leading textbook that set a standard for others in the field.
Bruce Chalmers Award
Diran Apelian -
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- Title: Howmet Professor of Engineering, Director of Metal Processing Institute
- Affiliation: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
- Citation: For his primary work in molten metal processing, diffusion solidification, spray casting, and solidification processing of light metals
Bruce Chalmers Award
Jonathan Dantzig -
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- Title: W. Grafton & Lilliam B. Wilkins Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- Affiliation: University of Illinois,
- Quote: “The list of recipients of the Chalmers Award represents to me the people in the field whom I have respected and admired throughout my career, and I am deeply honored to be included among them. I would like to thank my mentors Robert Pond, Sr., Stephen Davis, and Derek Tyler for their guidance and support, and I would also like to thank my many students and collaborators, who share this award with me.”
- Citation: For his many landmark contributions to the development and application of rigorous tools for computational modeling of solidification processes.
Bruce Chalmers Award
John Campbell -
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- Title: Professor of Casting Technology
- Affiliation: University of Birmingham,
- Quote: “Academics and casters alike have been reluctant to take on board the concepts I have sought to introduce (e.g., the mechanical properties of the casting being controlled by the way the metal flows in to the mold, and the concept of the liquid metal as a slurry of crack-like defects). The recognition that the Bruce Chalmers Award represents will be a welcome promotion of a new paradigm that promises to be both fruitful for scientific research and for the technology of production of castings.”
- Citation: "For his outstanding scientific work on filling and solidification of castings and contributions to the understanding of the role of oxides in casting quality."
Bruce Chalmers Award
Kenneth Jackson -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Arizona,
- Quote: “The first scientific conference I attended was a TMS meeting in Philadelphia, many years ago. I was a graduate student then, and I have been a member of AIME ever since. I have served on many AIME committees and was honored to receive the Mathewson Gold Medal, with John Hunt in 1966. I have the distinction of being elected a Fellow of TMS in 1987. Receiving the Bruce Chalmers Award is very special for me, since I did my graduate studies under him at Harvard. He was an exceptional scientist and a great teacher. It is an honor to receive this award which bears his name.”
- Citation: "For outstanding contributions to the science of solidification with physically realistic interpretations and analyses of diverse kinetic phenomena at crystal-liquid interfaces."
Bruce Chalmers Award
Michel Rappaz -
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- Title: Professor Laboratory of Physical Metallurgy
- Affiliation: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,
- Quote: “Looking at the list of renowned recipients of the Bruce Chalmers Award, I am greatly honored to receive this very high distinction. I view it as a professional recognition of the scientific activity carried out in my group over the past seventeen years in the area of solidification and solidification modeling. In addition to the Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows, and senior scientists who have greatly contributed to receive this award, I would like to thank two persons in particular: Prof. W. Kurz, a previous recipient of this award who pulled me into this field and always encouraged me, and Prof. J. Rappaz, my single and mathematician brother, who introduced me to numerical methods and closely collaborated with me.”
- Citation: "For his outstanding contributions to the numerical modeling of microstructures coupled with macroscopic models of heat and mass transport in modern solidification processing."
Bruce Chalmers Award
William Boettinger -
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- Title: Metallurgist
- Affiliation: National Institute of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland
- Quote: “TMS membership has been an important part of my professional life. Since 1972, I have been attending technical sessions on various topics including solidification. In these sessions, I have had the opportunity to meet the leaders in the solidification field and to present the research that I have been fortunate to produce in the Metallurgy Division of National Institute of Standards & Technology. TMS established a solidification award in the name of Professor Bruce Chalmers, a pioneer in the application of sound scientific principles to the areas of crystal growth and solidification. Because this has also been my goal and because my education in the field of solidification began with a thorough study of his book, ‘Principles of Solidification,’ I am extremely honored to be chosen to receive the award.”
- Citation: "For showing how fundamental thermodynamic and kinetic models, with modern computational power, lead directly to quantitative predictions of the microstructures generated by solidification."
Bruce Chalmers Award
Angus Hellawell -
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- Title: Professor Emeritus
- Affiliation: Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan
- Quote: “In a University setting, the progress of research, especially experimental research, depends critically on the efforts of dedicated graduate students, so I am pleased to accept this award on behalf of all those many graduate students who have successfully survived on my advice. I also accept the award on behalf of all those people who diligently pursue their research without thought or expectation of particular recognition.”
- Citation: "For outstanding contributions to the understanding of grain refinement, eutectic modification, and macro-segregation."
Bruce Chalmers Award
Sam Coriell -
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- Title: Research Chemist
- Affiliation: National Institute of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland
- Quote: "My introduction to alloy solidification occurred at a two-week summer course organized by Professor Chalmers. I was later privileged to work with him and Tom Surek on the growth of shaped crystals. I want also to acknowledge my colleagues for their support and significant contributions to my research. I greatly admire the research of other recipients of the Bruce Chalmers Award and fortunately have been able to collaborate with many of them. Therefore, I am most pleased and honored to receive the award."
- Citation: "For his contributions to the area of solidification and crystal growth."
Bruce Chalmers Award
Robert Sekerka -
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- Title: Professor of Physics & Mathematics
- Affiliation: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Quote: "This award is meaningful to me because it indicates that my peers in TMS understand and care about my research and regard it as a meaningful and important contribution to society. By its very nature, basic research, which is what I do, is difficult to connect at the time when it is performed with practical results, which often result 10-15 years later in unanticipated ways. This award assures me that somebody really cares and inspires me to try to do even more and better work in the future."
- Citation: "For seminal contributions to solidification processing including the development of morphological stability theory, which provides the basis for understanding the evolution of crystal morphology."
Bruce Chalmers Award
John Perepezko -
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- Title: Professor Dept of Materials Science & Engineering
- Affiliation: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
- Quote: "TMS provides an exceptional forum for a wide range of issues, both new and traditional, in modern materials. The technical meetings provide a clear perspective on the latest developments in materials technology and materials education. I have always considered TMS to be at the core of the professional society relations and technical interactions that I have developed in my career. It is especially rewarding to be recognized by my peers for achievements in solidification science and technology."
- Citation: "For outstanding contributions to the development of nucleation and phase selection criteria and for developing innovative approaches to examine metastable phase selection."
Bruce Chalmers Award
John Hunt - Details Not Available
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- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Bruce Chalmers Award
Rohit Trivedi - Details Not Available
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- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Bruce Chalmers Award
Wilfried Kurz - Details Not Available
- Title:
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- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Bruce Chalmers Award
Merton Flemings - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Bruce Chalmers Award
Martin Glicksman - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Bruce Chalmers Award
David Turnbull - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A