EPD Distinguished Service Award
Joel Kapusta -
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- Title: Subject Matter Expert, Sonic Injection and Pyrometallurgy
- Affiliation: BBA Inc., BBA, Inc
- Quote: I vividly remember to this day the words of Professor Keith Brimacombe in his graduate course back in early 1991 during my first month in the PhD program at the University of British Columbia: ‘Being an active member of your professional societies is a must for the growth of your career as a metallurgical engineer.’ I signed up as a student member in both TMS and MetSoc that same month and actively participated in the activities of each society since then. Receiving this award today represents for me a recognition from my peers that my long-lasting services to TMS and MetSoc was not just good for my own personal growth, as per the wisdom of Professor Brimacombe, but was also beneficial for my extractive metallurgy community. I am therefore greatly honored to receive this prestigious award.
- Citation: In recognition to his outstanding leadership role supporting mutual collaboration among professional societies and his worldwide recognized technical expertise in sonic injection.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Mark E. Schlesinger -
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- Title: Professor Emeritus of Metallurgical Engineering
- Affiliation: Missouri University of Science and Technology, The Villages, FL
- Quote: In a world where extractive metallurgists can often feel like the white rhinos of academia, my membership in TMS has given me the chance to be part of the global extractive community and make life-long friends. My service to EPD has been a contribution to that community and to the significance of extractive metallurgy within TMS. Recognition by my peers of this service is deeply gratifying.
- Citation: Mark has made an outstanding contribution to extractive metallurgy, writing excellent textbooks, making significant contributions in pyrometallurgical research, and organizing TMS conferences and events.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Corby Anderson -
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- Title: Harrison Western Professor
- Affiliation: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
- Quote: This award was a complete surprise as I do not volunteer at TMS or any other organization to receive accolades. Service and giving back to the profession are part of being in the Extraction and Processing global community. Thank you for this unanticipated honor.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Andreas Siegmund -
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- Title: Dr; Principle
- Affiliation: LanMetCon LLC, Lantana TX United States
- Quote: It is a great honor to receive this distinguished award from the Extraction and Processing Division of TMS. I would like to thank my nominator, Joe Grogan, and the entire EPD for selecting me as this year’s recipient. It has been a pleasure to participate in multiple committee functions within EPD and to be part of co-organizing several conferences on behalf of TMS over the last 25 years. This award will always remind me of my long professional association with TMS, EPD and the gained friendships with many of its members.
- Citation: In recognition of selfless service to the Extraction and Processing Division, the global non-ferrous industry, and his 20 years’ leadership of the international Lead-Zinc symposium.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Michael Free -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
- Quote: I am honored to receive this award. It is nice to be recognized for the service I have provided to TMS and its members for many years. I have enjoyed working with many people through my TMS membership and my involvement with the Extraction and Processing Division of TMS. The relationships with others in connection with my service in TMS has been the most rewarding aspect of my TMS service. TMS is a great professional organization for covering research and development for a broad range of topics associated with metals, materials, and minerals. TMS membership and involvement in its committees and activities provide a great opportunity for networking and professional service. I am really glad to be a member of TMS.
- Citation: For outstanding service to EPD council and the extractive community. This award especially notes his leadership for Hydrometallurgy 2018 and the Electromeatllurgy series of symposia.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Jiann-Yang Hwang -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Michigan Technological University, Houghon, MI
- Quote: TMS provides a great platform for me to interact with colleagues from all over the world. I am very honored to receive the 2019 TMS Extraction & Processing Division Distinguished Service Award. This is recognition from my colleagues and the Society. I am very thankful for the support from my family, my department, TMS, my colleagues, and friends. I will continue my efforts to make the Society stronger and more influential.
- Citation: For creative and exceptional contributions and leadership for mineral processing and metallurgy community for over 40 years.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Peter Hayes -
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- Title: Professor and Program Leader
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Austrailia
- Quote: I would like to thank the Extraction and Processing Division of TMS for this Distinguished Service Award. I am both surprised and honored. I see this annual award in a broader context. I see this as an annual reminder and recognition of the significant efforts by many other people in the Society who actively promote and support the activities of our profession. As well as a personal award, it is a way of extending thanks to them for their important contributions.
- Citation: For forty-plus years of an extractive metallurgy career, developing an undergraduate program, textbooks used worldwide, research for fifty-plus major international companies, 300-plus publications, and best paper awards.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Shijie Wang -
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- Title: Principal Advisor
- Affiliation: Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper Corp., Riverton, UT
- Quote: I am honored and happy. I became a TMS member in 1991 have been actively volunteering ever since. I see TMS as an asset for queries as well as a forum for literary review. It’s a superb orgniazation, where learning flows in numerous directions.
- Citation: For distinguished service to the TMS EPD through committee participation and leadership as well as leadership in conference organizing.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Adrian Deneys -
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- Title: Business Development Manager
- Affiliation: Praxair Inc., Danville, CA
- Quote: I am honored to receive this award from the Extraction & Processing Division of TMS. The award represents to me the privilege of serving the TMS community and the EPD as a member on the Pyrometallurgy Committee, then in the Programming Rep and Vice Chair roles, and then as EPD Chair from 2011–2013. I am humbled by the nomination and acknowledge that the opportunity to serve followed the foundations by others—particularly Rob Stephens’ leadership in 2006 on restructuring the division and recently Tom Battle’s leadership as prior EPD Chair.
- Citation: For his extensive involvement with EPD and TMS at large, strong leadership in EPD, immeasurable professional impact on EPD members, and fostering communications between TMS committees.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Thomas Battle -
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- Title: Senior Metallurgist
- Affiliation: Midrex Technologies, Pineville, NC
- Citation: For his outstanding service to TMS and his leadership to the Extraction and Processing Division in growing the program and strengthening the involvement of volunteers.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Adam Powell -
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- Affiliation: Metal Oxygen Separation Technologies, Natick, MA
- Quote: It has been a pleasure to participate on the programming, publications, and most recently visions and goal-setting functions of TMS and EPD in particular. I was very pleasantly surprised when Energy Committee chair, Cindy Belt, nominated me for this award. With so many people doing so much to advance the goals of TMS, it is even more pleasantly surprising to be selected for this award. I am truly honored.
- Citation: For outstanding service to the Extraction & Processing Division and technical leadership in the field.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Tzong Chen -
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- Affiliation: CANMET-MMSL, Ottawa, ON, Canada
- Quote: It is a great honor for me to be named the recipient of the 2012 EPD Distinguished Service Award. It is the friendship, peer's appreciation, the encouragement and continuous support of the EPD Council, the TMS membership, and the extraction and processing industries that benefit me most. Thank you all.
- Citation: For his outstanding services to the extraction and processing industry most particularly in the field of process mineralogy, and for his enthusiasm and relentless dedication to the growth of professional societies, including his active role in restructuring the TMS Process Mineralogy Committee into the vibrant Material Characterization Committee.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
William Imrie -
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- Title: Manager of Technology
- Affiliation: Bechtel Mining & Metals, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Patrick Taylor -
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- Title: Professor of Metallurgical Engineering
- Affiliation: Colorado School of Mines , Golden, CO
- Quote: “It is an honor to receive the 2010 TMS EPD Distinguished Service Award. I attended my first TMS meeting in 1975 and gave my first professional presentation. Over these past 34 years I have truly benefited, professionally and personally, from my participation in TMS EPD. The most valuable aspect of being a part of this organization has been the many wonderful professionals that I have been allowed to know through my membership. The many hours that I have devoted to help TMS and EPD has been paid back, many times, through the positive impact of this society on my professional career and the friends that I have made.”
- Citation: In recognition of outstanding service to the Extraction and Processing Division of TMS through leadership, scholarly contributions, and promotion of professional ideals.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Ramana Reddy -
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- Title: ACIPCO Professor and Dept Head of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
- Affiliation: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
- Quote: “I am deeply honored and humbled to be named the recipient of this award. I am honored to be among those distinguished prior recipients of this award. TMS is the premier professional organization in materials science and engineering and I am very proud to be a member.”
EPD Distinguished Service Award
V. Ramachandran -
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- Title: Consultant
- Affiliation: RAM Consultants, Scottsdale, AZ
- Quote: “The greatest benefit of being a TMS member for the last 37 years has been the networking with professionals from different disciplines and backgrounds. The participation in the activities of the Society—such as presenting papers, membership in technical committees and organizing symposia—has been an enriching experience. Being a TMS member has resulted in lasting friendships with people who share a passion for their profession. This award is the culmination of my association with TMS, and for this, I thank all of my colleagues at TMS who played a role in shaping my professional career. This award will always remind me of my long professional association with TMS and its members.”
- Citation: For decades of distinguished service to improve the environmental performance of the nonferrous smelting and refining industry, and to TMS by organizing symposia, short courses, and stand-alone meetings as well as leading technical committees and serving as a JOM advisor.
EPD Distinguished Service Award
Phillip Mackey -
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- Affiliation: Xstrata Process Support,
- Other: Paper: “For scientific and engineering contributions to the development of smelting and refining technology for copper and nickel.