Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Andrea Hodge -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Southern California, Redondo Beach, CA
- Quote: TMS is my home society, and I am a lifetime member. I am so proud to receive this award highlighting the role and impact of having diverse voices. I want to thank the many before me who made the path I now walk on; you were so brave to start so that others could follow.
- Citation: For her life-long commitment to diversity as a mentor of women and underrepresented groups in science and engineering.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Grace Jiinliu Wang -
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- Title: Executive Vice President
- Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Quote: It is my great honor to receive the Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award. For decades, TMS has been connecting minerals, metals, and materials scientists and engineers from various backgrounds and walks of life, promoting diversity, inclusion, and paving the ways for many to pursue careers in our fields.
- Citation: For her persistent efforts and leadership to broaden participation in materials science and engineering and beyond.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Cammy Abernathy -
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- Title: Dean
- Affiliation: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- Quote: “It is an incredible honor to receive this award. Ellen Swallow Richards was an inspiration for so many young women at MIT and in the field of materials. Though there is certainly more to be done, it is greatly fulfilling to see how our discipline has grown in importance and diversity over the decades since her trailblazing career. I am very grateful to TMS and to Jeffery and Geraldine McCulley Wadsworth for bringing special attention to the importance of diversity, and I am truly humbled to be considered among those who have helped to advance our discipline in this regard.”
- Citation: For seminal contributions in compound semiconductor processing and efforts to eliminate institutional barriers to achieve the exemplar model for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Mary Juhas -
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- Title: Associate Vice President
- Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Hilliard, OH
- Quote: I am incredibly honored to be named a recipient of the Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award. We all stand upon the shoulders of Ellen Swallow Richards, a pathfinder, trailblazer, and influencer whose contributions remain relevant and never more important to our global village. It is with great humility that I express my gratitude to Megan Cordill and the awards committee, and especially to Jeffery and Geraldine McCulley Wadsworth for endowing the award. My TMS membership has afforded me the fantastic opportunity to learn, share and engage with members of the materials science community from academia, government and industry over many years. While I have been quite pleased to see the face of materials science become increasingly diverse during my career, there is always more work to be done.
- Citation: For her untiring efforts at recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM) disciplines.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Oscar Suarez -
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- Title: Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator
- Affiliation: University of Puerto Rico- Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
- Quote: As an educator and a materials scholar, I consider this award a career milestone. Moreover, coming from TMS makes this recognition particularly consequential in my professional life. However, I must say that I do not identify myself as a pioneer. It just happened that I discovered fertile ground to spark something in my students’ eager minds. Indeed, that is my prime reason to be a professor in a minority-serving institution.
- Citation: For developing and growing a materials science education program that enables underrepresented students to excel and achieve.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Michelle Buchanan -
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- Title: Deputy for Science & Technology
- Affiliation: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
- Quote: TMS membership and the TMS Foundation benefits me through broad communication of recent advances in materials research, both within the community and to the general public.
- Citation: For her efforts to increase diversity in hiring, exceptional mentoring and advocacy for early career scientists, and tireless dedication to improving workplace culture.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Bevlee Watford -
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- Title: Professor & Asociate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Affiliation: Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA
- Citation: For her outstanding contributions to diversity and inclusion in engineering, her development of innovative programs for students, and her leadership in engineering education.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Lorna Gibson -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Massachusets Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
- Quote: I am delighted to accept the TMS 2017 Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award. Ellen Swallow Richards had a long-time association with MIT as its first woman student in 1871, and as an instructor of chemistry for over 30 years. She was a strong advocate for the education of women, especially in science, and was well-known for her own contributions to evaluating water quality and to public health. She also collaborated with her husband, Robert H. Richards, professor of mining engineering at MIT, and was elected as a member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. It is a special honor to be selected as the recipient of the TMS 2017 Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award.
- Citation: For her public role in creating a culture of equality and diversity and her private support of those facing adversity in their field.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Lynnette Madsen -
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- Title: Program Director
- Affiliation: National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
- Quote: I am very impressed with TMS' dedication and efforts towards diversity. It will take a concerted effort across a broad spectrum of the community to make progress. It is absolutely necessary to tap and nurture all science and engineering talent to spark innovation, expedite technological progress, and provide fulfilling and productive careers. I applaud TMS for their focus on diversity and other science policy issues.
- Citation: For written works and outstanding and visionary leadership in the creation and support of programs to increase diversity, and engagement in and endorsement of mentoring.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Julia Weertman -
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- Title: Walter P. Murphy Professor
- Affiliation: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
- Citation: For being THE role model for women in the field of materials science and for being an outstanding and understanding mentor for several generations of students.
- Other: In the early days of my professional life I was almost invariably the only woman in the audience of a technical session or serving on a materials-related committee. Now there is an appreciable number of women participating at such events. (Not enough yet, but a great improvement over the situation a few decades ago.) The Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award celebrates the achievements of the many who have worked over the years to increase diversity in MSE. My acceptance of this award is on behalf of all those individuals and institutions. Thank you.
Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award
Viola Acoff -
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- Title: Professor and Head
- Affiliation: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
- Quote: When I was informed that I was selected as the inaugural recipient of the 2014 Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award, I was speechless. I was honored just to be nominated for this award and all that it represents. Almost two decades ago, I made it my personal mission to do whatever I can to increase diversity in materials science and engineering. The fact that TMS has established this award to recognize an individual who reflects the remarkable pioneering spirit of Ellen Swallow Richards makes me even prouder to call myself a member of TMS.