FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Anush Singhal -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- Quote: From connecting with professors who are a part of the TMS community in Canada recommending this field of study to networking, social, and professional events hosted at the Georgia Institute of Technology by our Material Advantage chapter, TMS has provided me with a community of members to connect to. These experiences have led me to apply to graduate school with hopes of obtaining a Ph.D. in materials science with a focus on sustainable materials research in electronics. I am honored to receive the FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship and would like to thank the TMS Foundation and Battelle and Jeffrey Wadsworth for their continued support in my education, providing me with new experiences, and investing in my future.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Griffin Tong -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: University of Wisconsin Madison, San Jose, CA
- Quote: Two years ago, I chose to study materials science and engineering instead of medicine. Since then, the opportunities and experiences that I have gained through TMS and Material Advantage have been tremendously positive, and with the support of this award, I know that I'm on the right path. I feel like my hard work is finally paying off and is even helping me to fund my education and grow my network.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Tylee Oldham -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: University of Kentucky, Elgin, SC
- Quote: TMS and the TMS Foundation have provided a plethora of scholarship, networking, and materials-related sources that are truly valuable to its members. As an out-of-state top scholar in a collegiate materials engineering program, TMS has enabled me to connect to others in my field and develop strong engineering ties through networking. I am excited to see my future with the assistance of TMS to help with my college support and resources.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Lily Turaski -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA United States
- Quote: TMS and Materials Advantage have made an immense impact on my education and career path. I attended my first TMS Annual Meeting as a freshman. I loved learning about innovations and discoveries at the forefront of materials research and meeting fellow MSE students, professors, and industry professionals. That first experience cemented my love of materials science and ensured I would be a regular conference-goer. Since then, I have had the opportunity to present research posters, participate in the Undergraduate Speaking Contest, and enter the Material Bowl Competition. I have also been involved in the Materials Advantage chapter at Georgia Tech, where I am currently serving as Vice President. I enjoy getting other students involved in Materials Advantage and showing them the benefits of a professional society. I plan to attend graduate school and obtain a Ph.D. in materials science with a focus in electronic materials. I am so thankful that TMS, Battelle, and the Functional Materials Division are investing in students like me
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Thomas Colburn -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: Stanford University, Stanford, CA
- Quote: Material Advantage has been transformative in my educational career by providing opportunities for me to present my research, network with fellow young scientists, and fund my academic pursuits through scholarships. I have had the chance to speak at the International Conference for the American Ceramic Society and the Materials Science and Technology 2019 conference. Presenting at these conferences has allowed me to share my research on an international stage while meeting and networking with fellow young scientists as part of the Global Young Investigators Forum. Material Advantage's scholarships have also helped ease the financial burden of college expenses on my family. After graduating from Stanford, I plan on pursuing a Ph.D. in chemical engineering or materials science. I am so grateful to TMS, Battelle, and the Functional Materials Division for this honor and for helping me fulfill my educational goals.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Justin Qian -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
- Quote: I am very honored to receive the FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship. I also extend my thanks to Battelle and Jeffrey Wadsworth for their matching and graduate scholarships. TMS and Materials Advantage have been very helpful to my professional development by providing me with financial support, and also by giving me opportunities to interact with other professionals and students studying materials science. My future plans include applying to graduate school to work on materials research. The support from TMS has been very helpful to me so far, and I hope to be able to contribute to the field in the future.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Nisrit Pandey -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
- Quote: Being actively involved in TMS and Materials Advantage has allowed me to become a global and critical thinker in many aspects of materials science and engineering. I have been able to grow professionally by interacting with industry leaders and academic professionals in many events and conferences. Furthermore, TMS scholarships have lessened my financial burden and I have been able to focus on achieving my professional goals. After my undergraduate degree, I plan to pursue a Ph.D. focusing on energy materials and environmental degradation issues, followed by working in the industry. In the future, I would also like to utilize my degree to foster younger minds in materials engineering by being active with local TMS, ASM, AIST and Materials Advantage chapters.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Emily Foley -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Monticello, IL
- Quote: I am very honored to be awarded the FMD Gilbert Chin Memorial Scholarship from the TMS foundation. This scholarship will help support my education in electron materials. It will also help support my research on improving the efficiency and reliability of thin film solar cells. I also look forward to the opportunity to attend the TMS 2017 Annual Meeting to further develop my knowledge of materials and improve my connections with others within the TMS network.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Ziyin Huang -
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- Affiliation: Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- Quote: Financial need is always my biggest concern about my education. Even though I get some money from Drexel University scholarship and my teaching assistant positions, it can only cover a small portion of the tuition and the high cost of living in the city. Thank you so much for making this scholarship possible and giving me the opportunity to receive this award. To me, this scholarship is not only a financial award which lighten my burden from the increasing college tuition, it is also a recognition that inspires me to follow my passion. I hope one day I will have the opportunity to give back to future students like the scholarship I am receiving right now.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Preeya Kuray -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
- Quote: I am incredibly honored to be a recipient of the Electronic, Magnetic, and Photonic Materials Division of the Gilbert Chin Scholarship! This scholarship represents an opportunity to thrive as an undergraduate student and the chance to open new doors to a career in the sciences. I am happy to use this scholarship to mitigate some of the holistic costs of education next year and look forward to taking part in TMS.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Samuel Miller -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: Alfred University, Niagara Falls, NY
- Quote: For me, Material Advantage is a way to connect with individuals on campus who are interested in glass and ceramics in both a professional and creative ways. Through events at Alfred we are able to bring and better understanding of what engineers do and how materials effect everyone’s lives. MA is also a great way to connect with professional engineers and students at different universities at national events such as MS&T. I’ve enjoyed the relationships I’ve built and the different aspects of my education Material Advantage has helped me to strengthen.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Melissa Cruz-Acuna -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: University of Puerto Rico, Manati, PR
- Quote: This award means a lot to me for a variety of reasons. Since my academic preparation is not directly related to this field, I am especially honored to receive this award. For this very reason, this award is an important step in my research and academic career for fulfilling my passion in interdisciplinary work, which I believe is the immediate future of scientific progress. This is why I believe that my academic preparation in biological systems combined with my research and knowledge in material and nano sciences will help me to be a significant contributor to the answers of scientific problems that require knowledge in more than one subject. This scholarship will enable me to strengthen my material science techniques, as well as develop even more my knowledge in this recently learned field.
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Rachel Ferebee -
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- Affiliation: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
- Quote: “Thank you so much for the TMS Electronic, Magnetic & Photonic Materials Division Gilbert Chin Scholarship. I am extremely honored to join previous recipients in accepting such a prestigious award. TMS has been instrumental to my success in pursuing a degree in materials engineering. As a member of Material Advantage, TMS’s student counterpart, I’ve had the opportunity to network with other students and professionals, to attend conferences, and to gain exposure to new opportunities in the field. These invaluable experiences have helped prepare me to embark upon graduate studies and eventually a career in materials engineering. Your support of these goals is greatly appreciated.”
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Sarah Miller -
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- Affiliation: Washington State University,
- Quote: "I’m so honored to be the recipient of the EMPMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship. I have dedicated many hours to extracurricular research, and am so pleased to see that it has paid off. This scholarship also encourages me to continue my education and remain an active part of TMS in the future. Thank you EMPMD of TMS!"
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Sarah Miller -
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- Affiliation: Washington State University,
- Quote: "This award greatly encourages me to continue pursuing excellence in all parts of my career."
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Rodolfo Camacho -
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- Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology,
- Quote: “I am grateful and honored for this award that represents possibilities to increase the knowledge in an area where we know so little and have done so much.”
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Nichole Cates -
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- Affiliation: Carnegie Mellon University,
- Quote: “I am extremely honored to receive the TMS Electronic, Magnetic & Photonic Materials Division Gilbert Chin Scholarship. This award recognizes my hard work and the talent of the outstanding faculty, staff, and students that make up the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University. In addition, this scholarship will provide significant financial support as I continue my education in materials science.”
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
David Gray -
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- Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
- Quote: “This award is a great honor to me; it symbolizes the reward of dedication and motivates me to reach higher. Yet, I know this award would not have come without the help of many great people. Thank you.””
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Craig McCann -
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- Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University,
- Quote: “It is a great honor to be the recipient of the TMS/EMPMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship. It is wonderful to know that there are professional organizations that genuinely care and are willing to help students. This monetary assistance is very useful to me and my family. It ensures that I have the resources to pursue my interest in the mechanical behavior of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), which I believe will be an important aspect of the future in materials science and engineering.”
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Kelsey Miller -
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- Affiliation: University of Idaho,
- Quote: I am very grateful to receive this award which gives me a chance to focus on the engineering discipline and to further my education.”
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Jenny Harrison -
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- Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology,
- Quote: “I am really glad to receive this award. It means that the hard work I do really pays off, and also encourages me to continue research. I am hopeful that such scholarships like this attract more women into the engineering and electronics fields.”
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Felicia Costello -
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- Affiliation: Case Western Reserve University,
- Quote: “I am honored to receive the EMPMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship. TMS has really helped me as a student — not just financially, but also by giving me many opportunities to learn about the materials community, attend professional conferences, and make invaluable contacts in the industry. I am proud to call myself a member of TMS.”
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Meghan Kerner -
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- Affiliation: Case Western Reserve University,
- Quote: As I complete my undergraduate Materials Science and Engineering education, I am excited to embark on a career in electronic plans are to attend graduate school to study the emerging field of microphotonics. After acquiring an advanced degree, I plan to stay active in TMS and my community during my career in industry. Thank you for this generous award."
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Brant Blomberg -
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- Affiliation: University of Michigan,
- Quote: “TMS membership allows me to begin my professional career as an engineer while still in school. Through publications and conferences, I will learn more about my field, keep up with current technology, and gain direction for my career goals. Most of all, receiving the TMS/ EMPMD Gilbert Chin Award has renewed my faith that I can attain the goals I set for myself.”
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Mark Clark -
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- Affiliation: University of Idaho,
- Quote: "It is an honor to be selected as the TMS EMPMD Gilbert Chin Scholar. My membership in TMS has provided me with many opportunities and experiences that continue to motivate me as a student and as a researcher. I thank TMS for this prestigious recognition and the support of my education."
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
No award given.
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- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship
Maura Jenkins -
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- Affiliation: University of Wisconsin,
- Quote: "Receiving this scholarship in my senior year is particularly beneficial since I've decided to attend graduate school. Not only could I use the money to cover expenses that will not be covered by a full-time job in the next year, but being chosen is a reward for my hard work all these years and gives me the confidence to fill out all those applications!"