LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Thomas Avey -
View Details
- Title: PhD Candidate
- Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Quote: I am thankful and honored to be selected to receive recognition for my work through the Light Metal Division Magnesium Technology Best Student Paper Award. TMS has provided an invaluable opportunity to present my work and network with others in my field and in other tangential fields. I am looking forward to attending and participating in future TMS Conferences.
- Other: “Processing Map and Performance of a Low-cost Wrought Mg Alloy: ZAXEM11100,” Magnesium Technology 2023.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Josh Caris -
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- Affiliation: The Ohio State University,
- Other: “Processing Map and Performance of a Low-cost Wrought Mg Alloy: ZAXEM11100,” Magnesium Technology 2023.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Alan Luo -
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- Affiliation: The Ohio State University,
- Other: “Processing Map and Performance of a Low-cost Wrought Mg Alloy: ZAXEM11100,” Magnesium Technology 2023.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Jiashi Miao -
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- Affiliation: The Ohio State University,
- Other: “Processing Map and Performance of a Low-cost Wrought Mg Alloy: ZAXEM11100,” Magnesium Technology 2023.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Anil Sachdev -
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- Affiliation: The Ohio State University,
- Other: “Processing Map and Performance of a Low-cost Wrought Mg Alloy: ZAXEM11100,” Magnesium Technology 2023.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Christian Feiler -
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- Title: Scientist
- Affiliation: Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
- Other: "Active Corrosion Protection Surfaces Based on Layered Double Hydroxides Nanocontainers: A Computational Study", Magnesium Technology 2022
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Daniel Höche -
View Details
- Title: Head of Department - Interface modelling
- Affiliation: Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
- Quote: I am happy for Ms. Xuejiao Li. The acknowledgement of her work and her contribution to the TMS Community is highly appreciated.
- Other: "Active Corrosion Protection Surfaces Based on Layered Double Hydroxides Nanocontainers: A Computational Study", Magnesium Technology 2022
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Xuejiao Li -
View Details
- Title: PhD student
- Affiliation: Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
- Quote: It is my great honor to receive this award form TMS. We would like to thank the jury members for this recognition and consider the award as an encouragement for our work in corrosion protection for magnesium alloys. TMS provides a great platform to share our research and I enjoyed the conference a lot at Anaheim.
- Other: "Active Corrosion Protection Surfaces Based on Layered Double Hydroxides Nanocontainers: A Computational Study", Magnesium Technology 2022
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Robert Meißner -
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- Title: Scientist
- Affiliation: Institute of Surface Science, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
- Quote: I am very grateful that Xuejiao's work is recognized with this award. Xuejiao's work enables the general description of magnesium-based layered double hydroxides. The award once again underscores the importance of research in this field.
- Other: "Active Corrosion Protection Surfaces Based on Layered Double Hydroxides Nanocontainers: A Computational Study", Magnesium Technology 2022
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Tim Würger -
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- Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
- Affiliation: Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
- Other: "Active Corrosion Protection Surfaces Based on Layered Double Hydroxides Nanocontainers: A Computational Study", Magnesium Technology 2022
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Mikhail Zheludkevich -
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- Title: Director of Institute of Surface Science
- Affiliation: Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
- Other: "Active Corrosion Protection Surfaces Based on Layered Double Hydroxides Nanocontainers: A Computational Study", Magnesium Technology 2022
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Sean Agnew -
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- Title: Director of Engineering Science Major
- Affiliation: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Other: “Thermally Activated Nature of Basal and Prismatic Slip in Mg and Its Alloys,” Magnesium Technology 2021.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Jishnu Bhattacharyya -
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- Title: Research Scientist
- Affiliation: University Of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Other: “Thermally Activated Nature of Basal and Prismatic Slip in Mg and Its Alloys,” Magnesium Technology 2021.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Marek Niewczas -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
- Other: “Thermally Activated Nature of Basal and Prismatic Slip in Mg and Its Alloys,” Magnesium Technology 2021.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Mohammed Shabana -
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- Affiliation: University Of Virginia, Fairfax, VA
- Other: “Thermally Activated Nature of Basal and Prismatic Slip in Mg and Its Alloys,” Magnesium Technology 2021.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Trevor Abbott -
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- Title: Adjunct Professor
- Affiliation: RMIT University, Melbourne VIC Australia
- Other: "The Independent Effects of Cooling Rate and Na Addition on Hydrogen Storage Properties in Hypo-Eutectic Mg Alloys," Magnesium Technology 2020
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Yahia Ali -
View Details
- Title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, St. Lucia Qld Australia
- Other: "The Independent Effects of Cooling Rate and Na Addition on Hydrogen Storage Properties in Hypo-Eutectic Mg Alloys," Magnesium Technology 2020
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Manijn Kim -
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- Title: PhD Candidate
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, St. Lucia Qld Australia
- Quote: I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected to receive the LMD Magnesium Technology Best Paper Student Award. TMS membership gave me an opportunity to present my work at the TMS 2020 Annual Meeting & Exhibition and publish a paper in Magnesium Technology 2020. I am so honored to have my work recognized by TMS and professional peers. Many efforts went into this paper, and this accomplishment is not something that I did alone, and there are many others who deserve to share this award. I would like to thank the co-authors of this paper: Yahia Ali, Stuart D. McDonald, Trevor B. Abbott, and K Kazuhiro Nogita for their significant contributions to this paper.
- Other: "The Independent Effects of Cooling Rate and Na Addition on Hydrogen Storage Properties in Hypo-Eutectic Mg Alloys," Magnesium Technology 2020
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Stuard McDonald -
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- Title: Senior Research Fellow
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, St. Lucia Qld Australia
- Other: "The Independent Effects of Cooling Rate and Na Addition on Hydrogen Storage Properties in Hypo-Eutectic Mg Alloys," Magnesium Technology 2020
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Kazuhiro Nogita -
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- Title: Assc Director
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, Brisbane Qld Australia
- Other: "The Independent Effects of Cooling Rate and Na Addition on Hydrogen Storage Properties in Hypo-Eutectic Mg Alloys," Magnesium Technology 2020
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Amine Benzerga -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- Other: "Modeling the 3D Plastic Anisotropy of a Magnesium Alloy Processed Using Severe Plastic Deformation," Magnesium Technology 2019
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Jacques Besson -
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- Affiliation: Ecole Des Mines, Evry Cedex, France
- Other: "Modeling the 3D Plastic Anisotropy of a Magnesium Alloy Processed Using Severe Plastic Deformation," Magnesium Technology 2019
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Joshua Herrington -
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- Affiliation: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- Other: "Modeling the 3D Plastic Anisotropy of a Magnesium Alloy Processed Using Severe Plastic Deformation," Magnesium Technology 2019
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Yazid Madi -
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- Title: Dr. Ing
- Affiliation: EPF Ecole D'Ingenieur-e-s, Seals, France
- Other: "Modeling the 3D Plastic Anisotropy of a Magnesium Alloy Processed Using Severe Plastic Deformation," Magnesium Technology 2019
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Trevor Abbott -
View Details
- Title: Director - Research & Development
- Affiliation: Magontec Limited, Sydney, NSW, Australia
- Other: "Experimental Study of the Solidification Microstructure in the Mg-Rich Corner of the Mg-Al-Ce System," Magnesium Technology 2018
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Mark Easton -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: RMIT University, Carlton, VIC, Australia
- Quote: TMS is a big part of my global network. The TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition is where I meet up with the people I collaborate with and find out what is going on in the global materials community. It is great to see Charlotte’s work be recognized in this way and shows the importance of a team of people working together with a student on a project.
- Other: "Experimental Study of the Solidification Microstructure in the Mg-Rich Corner of the Mg-Al-Ce System," Magnesium Technology 2018
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Mark Gibson -
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- Title: Honorary Fellow
- Affiliation: CSIRO Manufacturing, Clayton, VIC, Australia
- Quote: It is welcome recognition of the hard work that Charlotte has put into her research and a great indication that the future of the field is in good hands.
- Other: "Experimental Study of the Solidification Microstructure in the Mg-Rich Corner of the Mg-Al-Ce System," Magnesium Technology 2018
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Stuart McDonald -
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- Title: Senior Research Fellow
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
- Quote: This award is great recognition for a hardworking Ph.D. student who has collaborated with a number of colleagues to access world-class facilities and research techniques. TMS provides an excellent platform to disseminate these results where they can have the greatest impact.
- Other: "Experimental Study of the Solidification Microstructure in the Mg-Rich Corner of the Mg-Al-Ce System," Magnesium Technology 2018
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Kazuhiro Nogita -
View Details
- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
- Other: "Experimental Study of the Solidification Microstructure in the Mg-Rich Corner of the Mg-Al-Ce System," Magnesium Technology 2018
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
David St. John -
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- Title: Professor Emeritus
- Affiliation: University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
- Quote: It is very pleasing to receive this award as it is recognition of the quality of our research and the ability of one of our students to clearly communicate their work to a broad spectrum of the global research community. This platform is made possible through membership in TMS. My continued membership derives from the breadth of research areas that TMS covers. Also, on the annual opportunity to catch up with colleagues whom I would not otherwise meet face to face without the existence of TMS.
- Other: "Experimental Study of the Solidification Microstructure in the Mg-Rich Corner of the Mg-Al-Ce System," Magnesium Technology 2018
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Mark Styles -
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- Title: Research Scientist
- Affiliation: CSIRO Manufacturing, Clayton, VIC, Australia
- Quote: This award is a great recognition of the excellent work done by Ph.D. student, Charlotte Wong, whose work focuses on understanding the Mg-Al-La and Mg-Al-Ce phase diagrams and the solidification pathways in he AE class of Mg alloys. Congratulations Charlotte!
- Other: "Experimental Study of the Solidification Microstructure in the Mg-Rich Corner of the Mg-Al-Ce System," Magnesium Technology 2018
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Charlotte Wong -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: RMIT University, Carlton, VIC, Australia
- Quote: This award means a great deal to me. It is very affirming, and it is an honour to be recognized among the global research community. It proves that being passionate about what I do leads to success. TMS is a platform that provides opportunity for everyone to meet and share knowledge and idea in this global community.
- Other: "Experimental Study of the Solidification Microstructure in the Mg-Rich Corner of the Mg-Al-Ce System," Magnesium Technology 2018
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Suming Zhu -
View Details
- Title: Senior Research Fellow
- Affiliation: RMIT University, Carlton, VIC, Australia
- Other: "Experimental Study of the Solidification Microstructure in the Mg-Rich Corner of the Mg-Al-Ce System," Magnesium Technology 2018
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Kristopher Darling -
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- Affiliation: US Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, MD
- Other: "Dynamic Behavior of an AZ31 Alloy under Varying Strain Rates and Stress Triaxialities", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
James Fitz-Gerald -
View Details
- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Other: "Excimer Laser Processing of Al Containing Mg Alloys for Improved Corrosion Resistance", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
David Florian -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: Vanderbilt University, Charlottesville, VA
- Other: "Excimer Laser Processing of Al Containing Mg Alloys for Improved Corrosion Resistance", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Billy Hornbuckle -
View Details
- Affiliation: US Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, MD
- Quote: I am grateful to be part of the research team reciving this award from TMS in recognition of the quality work that went into this paper. It is a tremendous accomplishment to receive recognition from TMS since the organization is composed of our peers.
- Other: "Dynamic Behavior of an AZ31 Alloy under Varying Strain Rates and Stress Triaxialities", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Chaitanya Kale -
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- Title: Student
- Affiliation: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
- Quote: I am greatly honored to receive the 2017 TMS Light Metals Division Student Award. It is definitely a big stepping stone for my career ahead. TMS has served as a platform for me to enhance my professional skills and interact with personnel in my field of research. Being a TMS member has allowed me to grow my professional network not only in one country but across the globe.
- Other: "Dynamic Behavior of an AZ31 Alloy under Varying Strain Rates and Stress Triaxialities", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Suveen Mathaudhu -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Riverside, CA
- Quote: All the credit for this work goes to Chaitanya and is a testament to her excellent work. It is awards like this that motivate the best and brightest students to stay actively involved in TMS throughout their careers.
- Other: "Dynamic Behavior of an AZ31 Alloy under Varying Strain Rates and Stress Triaxialities", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Michael Melia -
View Details
- Title: Student
- Affiliation: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Other: "Excimer Laser Processing of Al Containing Mg Alloys for Improved Corrosion Resistance", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Mansa Rajagopalan -
View Details
- Title: Product Engineer
- Affiliation: LAM Research Corp, Fremont, CA
- Other: "Dynamic Behavior of an AZ31 Alloy under Varying Strain Rates and Stress Triaxialities", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
John Scully -
View Details
- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Other: "Excimer Laser Processing of Al Containing Mg Alloys for Improved Corrosion Resistance", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Michael Serron -
View Details
- Title: Mechanical Engineer
- Affiliation: InVue Security Products, Charlottesville, VA
- Other: "Excimer Laser Processing of Al Containing Mg Alloys for Improved Corrosion Resistance", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Kiran Solanki -
View Details
- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
- Other: "Hydrogen Uptake by Magnesium Alloys during Aqueous Corrosion"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Scott Turnage -
View Details
- Title: Student
- Affiliation: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
- Other: "Dynamic Behavior of an AZ31 Alloy under Varying Strain Rates and Stress Triaxialities", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Jonathan Weiler -
View Details
- Title: Core Technology Manager
- Affiliation: Meridian Lightweight Technologies, Inc., Strathroy, Ontario Canada
- Other: "Excimer Laser Processing of Al Containing Mg Alloys for Improved Corrosion Resistance", 2017 Magnesium Technology
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Emmanuelle Marquis -
View Details
- Title: Associate Professor
- Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- Other: "The Structure of ß” and ß’ in an Aged Mg-Nd Alloy," Magnesium Technology 2016.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Ellen Solomon -
View Details
- Title: Student
- Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- Quote: I am honored to receive the 2016 TMS Light Metals Magnesium Best Student Paper Award. It is very rewarding to have my work recognized by the scientific community and to receive financial support to attend TMS. I have enjoyed attending TMS, it is a wonderful experience to learn about other exciting research as well as to share my own. Being a member of TMS has been invaluable to me because of the opportunities I have had to network and build a community with others from around the world.
- Other: "The Structure of ß” and ß’ in an Aged Mg-Nd Alloy," Magnesium Technology 2016.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Moisei Bruhis -
View Details
- Title: Research Engineer
- Affiliation: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- Other: "Characterization of Damage in Magnesium Using Digital Image Correlation and Electron Backscattered Diffraction Patterning"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Pauline Mas -
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- Affiliation: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- Other: "Characterization of Damage in Magnesium Using Digital Image Correlation and Electron Backscattered Diffraction Patterning"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Michael Nemcko -
View Details
- Title: Graduate Student
- Affiliation: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- Quote: I am sincerely honored to receive this award. TMS meetings are an excellent place to learn about ongoing research and meet potential collaborators. The meetings also provide great opportunities to have discussions with distinguished researchers from academia and industry. This award allows the TMS community to recognize the quality research that is taking place at McMaster University. I am very thankful for the support and guidance of my supervisor David S. Wilkinson.
- Other: "Characterization of Damage in Magnesium Using Digital Image Correlation and Electron Backscattered Diffraction Patterning"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
David Wilkinson -
View Details
- Title: Dean and Faculty of Engineering
- Affiliation: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- Other: "Characterization of Damage in Magnesium Using Digital Image Correlation and Electron Backscattered Diffraction Patterning"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Victoria Miller -
View Details
- Title: Graduate Student
- Affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Quote: While I have known that I wanted to work in a technical field for many years, the idea of pursuing a career in research is new to me. Until only a few years ago I had been focused on very short term practical concerns, never mind the underlying science. Conducting research as part of my graduate degree has changed that perspective, and interacting with TMS members has exposed me to numerous career pathways that I had never considered. This award gives me further confidence that I am on the right path, and I am sincerely grateful.
- Other: "Recrystallization Behaviour of a MgAlCa Alloy during Thermomechanical Processing and Subsequent Heat Treatment"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Tresa Pollock -
View Details
- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Other: "Recrystallization Behaviour of a MgAlCa Alloy during Thermomechanical Processing and Subsequent Heat Treatment"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Srinivasan Chandrasekar -
View Details
- Affiliation: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- Other: "Non-Basal Textures in Magnesium Alloy Strips by Extrusion-Machining"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Mert Efe -
View Details
- Affiliation: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- Other: "Non-Basal Textures in Magnesium Alloy Strips by Extrusion-Machining"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Wilfredo Moscoso -
View Details
- Affiliation: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- Other: "Non-Basal Textures in Magnesium Alloy Strips by Extrusion-Machining"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Dinakar Sagapuram -
View Details
- Affiliation: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- Quote: It has been an exciting experience working on magnesium deformation processing. This TMS award means peer recognition of our work at Purdue University's Schools of Materials Engineering and Industrial Engineering.
- Other: "Non-Basal Textures in Magnesium Alloy Strips by Extrusion-Machining"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Kevin Trumble -
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- Affiliation: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- Other: "Non-Basal Textures in Magnesium Alloy Strips by Extrusion-Machining"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Jan Bohlen -
View Details
- Affiliation: GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany
- Other: "Formability of Magnesium Sheet ZE10 and AZ31 with Respect to Initial Texture"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Karl Kainer -
View Details
- Affiliation: GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany
- Other: "Formability of Magnesium Sheet ZE10 and AZ31 with Respect to Initial Texture"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Dietmar Letzig -
View Details
- Affiliation: GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany
- Other: "Formability of Magnesium Sheet ZE10 and AZ31 with Respect to Initial Texture"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Lennart Stutz -
View Details
- Affiliation: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany
- Quote: TMS offers a unique forum for young scientists to get in touch with the leading professionals in their field. Being able to exchange knowledge with them vis-a-vis is an opportunity and honor at the same time. I regard this award as an honor and obligation to continue my studies to solving major challenges facing the society. This award is not an achievement but a prompt and incentive to increase my efforts.
- Other: "Formability of Magnesium Sheet ZE10 and AZ31 with Respect to Initial Texture"
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
No award given.
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Boyd Davis -
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- Affiliation: Queen's University,
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
Kevin McLean -
View Details
- Affiliation: University of Toronto,
- Quote: I am deeply honored and sincerely grateful for the recognition from TMS. I am extremely proud to accept this award for the work completed as my undergraduate thesis and I am thankful for the support and assistance from my supervisor, Boyd Davis, and research assistant, James Pettingill. The conference was an excellent opportunity to present my work and receive valuable feedback. I wish the conference continued success with its support of students in this field.
LMD Magnesium Technology Award - Student Paper
James Pettingill -
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- Affiliation: Queen's University,