MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Brady Butler -
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- Title: Materials Engineer
- Affiliation: U.S. Army Research Laboratory, College Station, TX
- Quote: I attended my first TMS meeting in the Spring of 2004, which must make me one of the oldest Young Professionals on record. Over the years, TMS has provided me with resources to pursue my education, a forum to discuss my research, and the opportunity to collaborate and network with the finest professionals in my field. I am deeply honored and grateful to accept this Young Leaders Professional Development Award from the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division of TMS.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Arumina Singh -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
- Quote: Receiving the TMS 2024 Young Leaders Professional Development Award is a tremendous honor. The opportunities it offers to network with accomplished professionals, attend specialized workshops, and gain exposure to cutting-edge research are invaluable for my professional development. With unwavering enthusiasm, I look forward to contributing my skills and passion to the growth and prosperity of the materials science community.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Emma White -
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- Title: Senior Scientist
- Affiliation: DECHEMA, Frankfurt, Germany
- Quote: I am truly privileged to receive one of the TMS 2024 MPMD Young Leader Professional Development Awards. Since my first meeting in 2011, TMS has provided critical, foundational support and opportunities for scientific advancement as I started and established my professional career in materials science; TMS has become my professional home society for inspiring and informative interactions at the leading edge of the materials science field. I am thrilled to have the chance to engage with leaders and be mentored by them as I become even more involved in TMS professional and technical activities and volunteerism through this award.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Matthew Daly -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL
- Quote: I am deeply honored to receive this professional development award from the MPMD. Since attending my first meeting in 2014, I have been extremely impressed by the bottom-up approach TMS takes towards programming and outreach. This approach to volunteerism has been key to my engagement with the community, and I look forward to continuing my service to the division and the society through the functions and activities of this award.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Yufeng Zheng -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV
- Quote: I feel extremely honored to receive the 2023 TMS MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development Award! Ever since I first attended the TMS annual meeting in 2011, TMS has become my home community because TMS provided tremendous opportunities to develop my technical expertise in materials science, enhance my leadership skills, and expand my network with materials science researchers worldwide. Through this precious award, I look forward to continue making contributions to the MPMD and TMS community and I am committed to passing along these opportunities to the young materials science researchers and students.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Arun Devaraj -
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- Title: Senior Research Scientist
- Affiliation: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA
- Quote: Since 2008, the TMS meetings have been my main avenue to get updated on the latest and greatest in materials research, organize symposiums, attend technical committee meetings, and meet friends and colleagues from across the world in the material science research community. I am honored to receive this 2022 MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development Award and through this unique opportunity, I am looking forward to contributing more to the long-term growth of the MPMD and the TMS community.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Yue Fan -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
- Quote: I am very grateful for the precious recognition. I have long regarded TMS as my home conference ever since I first attended in 2015, because TMS has provided such a great platform (especially for young professionals) to interact and collaborate with people with diverse backgrounds. Along the path, my journey at TMS has also become more enriched, from simply giving presentations to organizing symposia, editing JOM issues, and serving on both technical and diversity committees. I look forward to continuing to serve and contribute to TMS community and passing such pride to my students and the next STEM generation.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Liang Qi -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI United States
- Quote: It is a great honor for me to gratefully receive the 2021 TMS MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development Award. TMS membership always provides me tremendous opportunities to interact with top materials scientists and engineers with diverse backgrounds. During TMS annual meetings, many discussions granted me resources and catalysts for finding research ideas and building new collaborations. As a young faculty member, my professional career is also benefited from various TMS activities, such as serving technical committees, organizing TMS symposia, and being a JOM guest editor. This award inspires me to make more contributions to enhance the TMS engagement and professional development of young researchers and students in the broad materials community.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Yu Zou -
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- Title: Assistant Proessor
- Affiliation: University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Canada
- Quote: In 2011, as a master’s student, I attended my first TMS meeting in San Diego, California. Over the past decade, TMS has been my community, where I met international leaders in my research field, attended student mixers and career events, and discussed with peers in poster or oral sessions. I enjoyed and learned a lot from TMS. Last year, I brought two of my PhD students to the TMS annual meeting and introduced them to this dynamic atmosphere. I am truly grateful for this recognition, especially because it comes from my professional society home. I look forward to further engagement in TMS and MPMD activities that are enabled by this award.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Somayeh Pasebani -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
- Quote: I am very grateful to receive the 2020 MPMD Young Leader Professional Development Award. This recognition by my peers and leaders in my field provides encouragement and further bolsters my confidence. This will go a long way in helping me achieve my career goals. TMS is like my extended family where I get to meet my peers and make friendship personally and professionally that enrich my career, personal growth, and professional development. I am truly honored to be a member of TMS for more than a decade joining as a first-year Ph.D. student and getting involved with Material Advantage Chapter activities, winning in the graduate student poster competition, and receiving the Henry DeWitt Smith scholarship. As a faculty member, TMS has tremendously helped me in enhancing my leadership skills through membership in technical committees, diversity committees, and organizing symposiums and even outreach and volunteer activities. It is my great desire and pleasure to continue to contribute to TMS and to help accomplish its valuable mission.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Damien Tourret -
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- Title: Researcher
- Affiliation: IMDEA Materials Institute, Getafe, Madrid Spain
- Quote: I am honored by this recognition and grateful to the TMS Foundation for supporting the growth of young scientists and engineers. I greatly appreciate the positive effect that being a TMS member has already had on my professional development. Annual meetings have allowed me to meet collaborators, mentors, and distinguished experts in and beyond my field. The breadth of available volunteering opportunities offers every member a platform to learn and develop their technical and leadership skills. I am proud to be member of a society championing diversity.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Oliver Johnson -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
- Quote: Being a member of TMS has provided a wide range of opportunities to serve in my professional community and for professional development. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet, learn from, collaborate with, and serve with distinguished colleagues in my field. This award expands the scope of these opportunities, and I am grateful for that privilege. I look forward to many decades of participation as a member of TMS.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Srikanth Patala -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
- Quote: I feel extremely honored to receive this award. TMS membership has provided me the opportunity to engage with leaders in the field who have positively impacted my career, both as a researcher and a teacher in materials science. As a technical committee member, I was able to meet like-minded people with diverse sets of perspectives and ideas, co-organize symposia in areas close to my research interests, and was able to form new collaborations through these meetings. I look forward to involving myself in a leaderhip role at TMS and engaging with young researchers and students who will shape the future of the society.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Joseph Jakes -
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- Title: Research Material Engineer
- Affiliation: USDA FS Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI
- Quote: As an early career researcher, my TMS membership provides me both a community to foster my career and the opportunity to serve the research community. Attending and presenting at TMS meetings has given me the opportunity to connect with fellow researchers and develop new collaborative research projects. Participating in TMS committees, co-organizing technical symposia, and serving as a JOM technical editor has allowed me to both serve and help shape TMS content. I look forward to continuing to use the benefits of TMS membership throughout my career.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Eric Lass -
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- Title: Materials Research Engineer
- Affiliation: NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
- Quote: I am honored to receive the 2018 TMS MPMD Young Leaders Professional Develoopment Award. TMS membership has opened my career to a new level of involvement in the materials science community. As I have become more involved in TMS technical committees, I have met many new people and collaborators I would have not met otherwise. TMS provides young professionals in particular a way to engage with established leaders in materials science, strengthens the community, and continues to move the field to new heights.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Verena Maier-Kiener -
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- Affiliation: Erich-Schmid-Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Leoben, Austria
- Quote: TMS, to me, is the most important international society in materials sciences, and participation in their activities gives me the chance to interact and collaborate with researchers worldwide. Especially to young researchers TMS and the TMS Foundation offer an auspicious platform not only to get in touch with established and well known researchers in their field, but more importantly to experience first responsibilities regarding networking activities and symposiums organization. Moreover, the broad scientific character of the TMS annual meetings provides an opportunity to meet with researchers from other fields in materials science, which opens new, exciting opportunities for international research projects and collaboration ideas. I am grateful to the TMS foundation for receiving this precious award, which will allow me to get further involved into the voluntary society work serving the TMS community and to collaborate in an international
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Siddhartha Pathak -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: University of Nevada, Reno, NV
- Quote: TMS membership is an important part of my professional career development in the field of materials science. I have been an active member of TMS since my student days (2007). In addition to presenting and chairing at various TMS and MS&T sessions since then, I am also the co-organizer of two future symposiums at TMS2017 and MS&T17. The TMS MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development Award and the TMS membership will enable me immensely to enhance my professional development. I will be able to participate in society activities and network with prominent society members. Additionally, the contacts I will make with the TMS leaders as well as leaders in my professional field, will be invaluable for the future of my career in this field.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Marko Knezevic -
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- Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
- Affiliation: University of New Hampshire,
- Quote: It makes sense to serve on committees, organize symposia, and participate in other society activities as a member of the TMS community. It is important to be a member for networking, which I think is essential for the professional development.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Samantha Lawrence -
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- Title: Postdoctoral Appointee
- Affiliation: Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA
- Quote: Receiving this award will afford me the opportunity to increase my involvement in the society, as well as gain a better understanding of its governance. TMS and the TMS Foundation provide a wide array of both career and technical development programs for young researchers, and support students to develop the next generation of scientists and engineers. I am excited to be a part of the continued growth and advancement of TMS and the TMS Foundation.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Soumya Nag -
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- Title: Metallurgist
- Affiliation: General Electric, Schenectady, NY
- Quote: TMS is a great platform for professionals, researchers, and students coming from a variety of scientific and engineering backgrounds. Ever since I was a graduate student, I have been fortunate enough to interact with this international materials, minerals, and metals community. This has definitely helped me to grow professionally, both in terms of developing technical expertise and bolstering my networking skills. I feel honored to receive the Young Leaders Professional Development Award and look forward to actively participating in future TMS activities.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Garritt Tucker -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- Quote: The TMS Foundation and TMS membership have both allowed me to create broad synergistic relationships with colleagues within the materials community. By attending the TMS annual meetings my professional career has benefited through increased exposure of my research and learning about the myriad of research activities of others. Being involved in the TMS committees has further enhanced my experience and helped me to see additional avenues for involvement. Through the TMS Foundation, I hope to pass along these opportunities to others and help continue the development of new possibilities for materials innovation.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Christopher Weinberger -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- Quote: TMS provides exactly what young professionals need to succeed: a member-driven organization where we can build a community. The fact that TMS is member-driven allows many younger professionals the opportunity to get involved; this makes TMS more personal and meaningful. The TMS annual meetings are of immense professional value because they provide a forum for professionals in our field to interact and present our research. In addition, it provides the opportunity for young professionals as well as students to interact with more established professionals and develop a network.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Mohsen Asle Zaeem -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
- Quote: TMS has provided me with excellent opportunities for young professionals to connect with the leaders, students, and different industries in the field of materials science and engineering, which not only have created the foundations for integrating and transferring the knowledge between academia and industry, but also have made it possible to recognize the current and future research and education needs in this area. As an assistant professor, I have participated as a member in different technical committees of TMS and organized or coorganized symposiums for TMS annual meetings, and I am currently serving as a subject editor for JOM. These activities have given me the opportunity to interact with the frontrunners in my field of research, and have resulted in pursuing more effective research and educational projects. TMS membership and my activities related to the TMS Foundation have helped me to grow my leadership skills.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Megan Cordill -
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- Title: Scientist
- Affiliation: Erich Schmid Institute, Leoben, Austria
- Quote: I feel very honored to be one of the recipients of the 2015 TMS MPMD Young Leader Professional Development Awards. Receiving this award will allow me to increase my involvement within TMS and I welcome the opportunity to be part of the further development and growth of the Society. The TMS Foundation provides a fantastic network of both technical and professional development opportunities, supporting students and young researchers and contributing to their research and career development.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Eric Homer -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
- Quote: In 2004, I attended my first TMS meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina. The conference was very memorable and opened my eyes to the vast and amazing world of materials, to which I had had limited exposure as a mechanical engineering student. Since that time I have been able to attended numerous TMS annual meetings and specialty meetings and have always found them to be extremely relevant, informative, inspiring, and critical to the success of my research; the meetings are always highlights of each year. I am grateful for the work TMS does as a Society to provide venues that expose me to new science and technological advancements, chances to interact with leaders in the field and be mentored by them, and an opportunity to be a part of committees that influence the direction of the field. TMS has become, and I expect it will always be, an integral part of my career.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Virendra Singh -
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- Title: Materials Engineer
- Affiliation: Schlumberger, Rosharon, TX
- Quote: I have been a TMS member since 2007. Being a TMS member has given me a unique platform to grow in the field of metallurgy and materials science. In past years, TMS has given me several opportunities to present my research and interact with international experts from different fields, which would not otherwise have been possible. Now, the Young Leader Professional Development Award has given me new prospects to show responsibilities and leadership, and provided networking opportunities. I am looking forward to attending the TMS board meeting and technical/administrative meetings. This award will nourish me to get further experience, to contribute in TMS activities, and organize a symposium under surface engineering.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Jason Trelewicz -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
- Quote: As a junior faculty member seeking to network and collaborate with other professionals in TMS, this award provides an exceptional opportunity to become more involved in the Young Professionals Program, contribute to important student events, and learn about leadership opportunities on TMS technical committees. In particular, this award provides the unique opportunity to attend the TMS Board of Directors and MPMD Council meetings to gain insight into TMS operations as well as network with members on these prestigious committees. I will also have the ability to engage the Nanomechanical Materials Behavior and Process Technology and Modeling Committees, which will provide a platform to collaborate with other members in the planning of technical symposia. The generous travel grant provided by the TMS Foundation as part of this award, for which I am honored to be a recipient, has enabled me to attend the 2015 Annual Meeting and participate in these leadership activities, which will considerably enhance my professional growth within the organization.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Caizhi Zhou -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
- Quote: TMS offers an extraordinary forum for researchers from various technical backgrounds. It fosters the exchange of ideas and knowledge, as well as promotes new collaborative research. As a TMS member, I have opportunities to connect with leaders in the field of computational materials science and engineering. That helps me grow my leadership skills and work with the professional community to provide positive changes in our community. I am proud to be part of TMS.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Srinivasa Bakshi -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
- Quote: Since my student days, I have benefitted by being a member of TMS. I looked forward to participating in the annual meetings to present my work, meet people, listen to wonderful talks, get inspired and charged up. As a professional member, TMS gave me an opportunity to serve in leadership activities, helped me to organize symposiums and connect with researches from all over the world. This award from TMS comes as a huge encouragement increasing my visibility and I look forward to contributing to the activities of TMS in an increased capacity and making it an organization with global presence.
- Other: It was a happy and learning experience to attend the TMS 2014 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2014). The arrangements made by TMS for the stay were perfect. I also appreciate the TMS staff for all the reminders about the activities I had to participate during the meeting. It was indeed a privilege to attend the TMS Board of Directors meeting and watch the conduct of the proceedings. It felt happy to be introduced by the TMS president and being congratulated by the board members. I also had an opportunity to talk to the board members after the meeting. It was an opportunity to meet all the Young Leader awardees as well. Being a judge for Materials Bowl was a very happy feeling and brought back my memories from teh TMS 2007 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, when I was a participant and part of the first Materials Bowl winning team from Florida International University. Receiving the Award at the Extraction & Processing Division/Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division Luncheon was very encouraging. Judging the poster competition was the toughest job with so many good students trying to impress you with their work. TMS2014 was memorable and I will remember it for the appreciation received from so many colleagues and I thank TMS for making me feel special.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Amber Genau -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL
- Quote: I have been a member of TMS since I was an undergraduate student, and the Annual Meeting has always been the primary technical conference that I attend each year. Now, as a new faculty member, this award makes it possible for me to continue attending even though I do no yet have funded research to pay for conference travel. I am very grateful to the TMS Foundation for making it possible for me to remain connected to the society and my research community during this period of my career.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Paul Gibbs -
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- Title: Post Doctoral Research Associate
- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- Quote: Thank you for the honor of receiving a Young Leaders Professional Development Award. TMS provides a special venue where the challenges and opportunities facing materials research can be openly discussed between members of academia, industry, and national laboratories. This accelerates the discovery of novel materials solutions through professional collaboration. Winning this award will provide me the unique opportunity to see the inner workings of TMS. This growth will extend beyond the technical advantages of being a member and increase my volunteerism within the society. The personal relationships forged within TMS make up the structure that ensures lasting strength to our profession, and I am excited to contribute to this dynamic group.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
James Jordon -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
- Quote: I am very honored to receive this prestigious award. This award will give me the opportunity to continue to improve my leadership skills and to learn about the society. TMS is a great organization and provides an excellent platform to present my research and to meet fellow colleagues. I am truly thankful to TMS and MPMD for selecting me to receive this award.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Lan Li -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Boise State University, Boise, ID
- Quote: The award and TMS Foundation provide a great opportunity for me to (i) network and make connection with peers and the younger members of TMS; and (ii) attend various technical and administrative meetings, e.g. MPMD council meeting, TMS Board of Directors meeting etc., to get familiar with society administration. This experience is sufficiently beneficial to my academic career.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Nan Li Li -
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- Title: Staff Scientist
- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM
- Quote: I am immensely honored to be selected as the recipient of the TMS Young Leader Professional Development Award from the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division. Since I first attended the TMS annual meeting as a graduate student in 2008, I was deeply impressed because it provided a great opportunity to interface with peers and senior professionals. Active involvement in TMS is a great experience to improve interpersonal skills and establish collaboration, all the while advancing my career development. Winning this award also increases my enthusiasm to help other young scientists further their careers through TMS-related programs.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Justin Crapps -
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- Title: Research Engineer
- Affiliation: ExxonMobil, Houston, TX
- Quote: This Young Leaders Award is a great honor and presents a tremendous opportunity for me to learn more about TMS, more professional contacts, and serve my professional community. My TMS membership provides me with tremendous opportunities for collaboration with other researchers in academia and industry to better understand and solve tough materials problems.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Remi Dingreville -
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- Title: Principal Member of the Technical Staff
- Affiliation: Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
- Quote: TMS, through its proposed professional activities and conferences, enables me to make professional contacts and exchange scientific ideas with colleagues from all over the world. It therefore represents the perfect and unique platform to help me grow in my professional career and reach my professional goals. To receive such an award is an honor for me and Sandia Nation Labs and I can think of no better or more rewarding way to utilize what TMS already gave me to shape my own career than in the service of this professional organization. I look forward to playing an active role in TMS and help other scientists further their careers through this society.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Jun Lou -
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- Title: Associate Professor
- Affiliation: Rice University, Houston, TX
- Quote: It is a great honor for me to receive the 2013 TMS MPMD Young Leader Professional Development award. It will undoubtedly provide me with great opportunities to get fully engaged with my TMS responsibilities and commitments, including committee services, symposium organizations, and student recruitments.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Jian Wang -
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- Title: Technical Staff Member
- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM
- Quote: Thanks to the award committee for rewarding me with this award. Since I joined TMS as a young member, I have participated in several symposia. From these services, I really benefited at several aspects, including knowing and communicating with other members, grasping the current research progress in many fields, and making career networks with international/national scientists. I am glad to accept this award, and believe this will continuously encourage me to participate in all TMS activities. I would like to make more efforts in TMS.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Kantesh Balani -
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- Title: Assistant Professor
- Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
- Quote: I sincerely thank the TMS Material Processing and Manufacturing Division Awards committee in selecting me for the 2012 Young Leader Professional Development Award. This award will assist me in developing a strong networking with the materials processing and manufacturing group, and will allow me to share my expertise at a global platform. TMS membership has a boon to me starting since my early academic years as a Masters student, and now as a professional. TMS has provided me countless opportunities, such as: financial support during conferences, the first Materials Bowl cup in 2007, technical lecture presentations, chairing and organization of symposiums, and a good podium for academic and professional networking. I am delighted to share that TMS brings a feeling of belongingness, and TMS means “This Matters Surely” to me.
- Other: It was an enriching experience to attend the TMS 2012 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2012) held in Orlando, Florida. I attended Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) Council meeting and learned a lot regarding the planning and structure of various sections such as computational materials science, refining and processing, surface engineering, and much more. Following this meeting, attendance in the Young Professionals Committee meeting introduced me to the organizational aspects and requirements of Young Leaders, and what can be fained from active involvement. In addition, receiving the MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development Award during the Young Leader Tutorial Luncheon Lecture was an honor, which was preceded by an exciting talk on the role of nanomechanics in today’s therapeutics and diagnostics. I also judged a poster session and visited exhibition booths. Hence, I benefitted in terms of finding vendors and getting to know the new pieces of equipment reaching the commercial market. I was given the opportunity to professionally interact and present an invited talk on "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Multistructured Peacock Feathers" in the Chemical Sensing and Devices II-Biomaterials and Applications session and a contributed paper on "Role of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia on Fracture Toughness of Plasma Sprayed Aluminum Oxide Composite Coatings" in the Advances in Surface Engineering: Alloyed and Composite Coatings in the afternoon session. All in all, it was a highly rewarding to be a part of TMS2012 held in Orlando.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Nathan Mara -
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- Title: Staff Scientist
- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM
- Quote: Membership and active involvement in TMS has shaped my career in the synthesis of nanocomposites and determination of interface/defect relationships in nanomaterials. Since I presented at my first TMS annual meeting as a graduate student in Seattle in 2002, the contacts that I have made, and the associated exchange of scientific ideas, facilitated growth from graduate student to postdoc to staff member at Los Alamos National Lab. It is an honor to receive this award, and it marks the beginning of a new opportunity in my career-to help other young emerging scientist further their careers with the help of a society that has been so critical in making my own start in materials science.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Dincer Bozkaya - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Eric Schmidt -
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- Other: I am very pleased and honored to have been selected as a Young Leaders Professional Development Award recipient to attend the TMS 2011 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in San Diego. As an American expatriate living in France for the past three years, I had found myself slowly falling “out of the loop” of the U.S. materials science and engineering network in which I had spent a number of years as a student. Not only did this award give me an opportunity to reconnect with some of my fellow materials engineers (including a former classmate who won the award as well), but a new side of a thriving professional organization was presented to me, in a very warm and welcoming way. I am looking forward to reflecting every bit and more of this enthusiasm in my time as an active member of TMS. In describing my experiences as a Young Leader, I must certainly thank a previous winner of the award, Jim Yurko, for encouraging me to take part in this exciting program. He was also a valuable resource during the program, introducing me to other TMS leaders and sharing with me helpful hints that made my time in San Diego even more beneficial. I hope to continue this tradition, and have already spoken to a number of my colleagues about becoming Young Leaders in 2012. I can think of no better way to insure the bright future of The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Sandip Harimkar -
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- Other: I am thankful for the opportunity to be a TMS Young Leaders Professional Development Award recipient for the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) in 2010. I was first involved in TMS activities as a student monitor in 2004. Since then, TMS has been my primary professional society. I presented several talks and posters at TMS meetings as a graduate student. I recently moved to academia and took up more active role in TMS as a symposia organizer and as vice chair of the Surface Engineering Committee. I have been personally experiencing the outstanding opportunities TMS provides to students and young professionals. I have motivated many of my students to join TMS to learn and experience the opportunities that exist in the field. The opportunity to be a Young Leader allowed me to make significant contacts with professionals in my field.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Doug Spearot -
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- Other: I am thankful for receiving the TMS Young Leaders Professional Development Award from the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD). Although I had previously attended two TMS Annual Meetings (New Orleans, 2008; San Francisco, 2009), receiving the Young Leader Award facilitated my participation in functions that I would not have otherwise attended and provided me an opportunity to meet TMS colleagues in areas outside of my immediate area of research. I enjoyed speaking with the undergraduate and graduate students during the poster competition and was very impressed by the quality of the work that they presented. I plan to continue my involvement with TMS and specifically the Computational Materials Science Committee. I have volunteered to co-organized a symposium on grain boundary behavior for the 2011 MS&T conference with colleagues that I met while attending my committee meeting in Seattle.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Srikanth Bontha -
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- Other: I am grateful for the opportunity to be a TMS Young Leader Professional Development Award recipient for the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) in 2009. This award gave me the opportunity to witness the inner workings of TMS and understand how TMS works. At the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2009), I attended the Young Professinals Committee meeting, gave a presentation at the Career Forum on career in industry, attended the MPMD Council meeting, and the Board of Directors meeting. I also attended the Process Technology & Modeling Committee and Titanium Committee meetings and became a member of these committees. I was also honored to serve as a judge for the student poster contest. Attending TMS2009 and the different committee meetings enabled me to gain valuable exposure by meeting with young professionals of similar interests, faculty, government, and industry personnel to make contacts and to share their experiences of professional growth. I also realized that there are numerous opportunities where I can contribute and grow as a professional. The experiences at TMS2009 have fuelled in me a desire to further increase my participation in the activities of TMS. I am looking forward to a long association with TMS. Thanks again to TMS for giving me this wonderful opportunity.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Dylan Morris -
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- Other: My experience at the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting & Exhibition as a Young Leaders Professional Development Award recipient in San Francisco was wonderful. I participated in the Career Forum on Sunday, and the attending students were a delight to talk to (although I think sometimes I talked too much!). The opportunity to attend the TMS-AIME Awards Banquet was tremendous, and I am doubly glad that I was able to go, to see William Gerberich from my alma mater University of Minnesota inducted as a Fellow of TMS. Furthermore, because of the award, I was able to attend three technical committee meetings to gain approval for a symposium proposal that I had prepared. We also were able to attend the Board of Directors meeting, which was a great honor and an amazing experience. I am excited to continue contributing to TMS, and am already preparing for MS&T’09!
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Amy Clarke -
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- Other: Amy Clarke is a G.T. Seaborg Institute postdoctoral research fellow in the Materials Science and Technology Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where she studies uranium alloy aging and shape memory effect deformation structures using electron microscopy. She received her B.S. in metallurgical and materials engineering from Michigan Technological University, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in metallurgical and materials engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, where she studied ferrous physical metallurgy at the Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center. Clarke's research interests also include examining the influence of material processing and microstructure on mechanical properties.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Pello Uranga -
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- Other: Pello Uranga is a researcher at the Thermomechanical Treatments Group at CEIT and phase transformations lecturer at Tecnun, the Technological Campus of the University of Navarra in Donostia, Basque Country, Spain. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in materials engineering from the University of Navarra. Currently, his research activity is mainly focused on microstructural modeling during hot working processes of different steel grades.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Federico Sciammarella -
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- Other: The experience of being a Young Leader at the TMS 2007 Annual Meeting & Exhibition was enriching. Many people came up to me to congratulate me. This enabled me to meet many people and establish some good relations with them and TMS as well. It was also great to experience the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) Council meeting as well as the technical committee meetings; there are some very dedicated people without whom TMS would be hard-pressed to exist. I plan on being more active and helping TMS grow in the years to come. Thanks again to TMS and the MPMD for giving me this wonderful experience.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Elizabeth Perepezko -
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- Other: I would like to express my gratitude to TMS and the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) for selecting me as a 2006 Young Leader Intern Award recipient. I believe it is very important for professional societies to provide these types of opportunities to the younger professionals as a great way to encourage active participation in the society. The Young Leaders program is an excellent modality through which young members of TMS can take an active role in the society’s future. I applaud TMS for encouraging the Young Leader Interns to take an active role in TMS through attending the Annual Meeting and various TMS committee meetings. It was an honor to attend the TMS 2006 Annual Meeting & Exhibition as a Young Leader award recipient. I attended both the Biomaterials and Titanium Committee meetings, and I am currently assisting with the planning of the MS&T'07 Biomaterials symposium. I am looking forward to contributing to the organization of the Biomaterials symposium. Due to its recent addition to TMS, I believe the continued success of the biomaterials symposia will promote the growth of the biomaterials section of TMS. I believe that the continued success of the biomaterials section will drive TMS to continue to expand its boundaries to include the new and emerging areas of the materials field. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Young Leaders Program, I am looking forward to contributing to the growth and development of TMS as a professional society, and I encourage other young members of TMS to consider applying to the Young Leaders Program.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Andrew Perry -
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- Other: The TMS 2006 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in San Antonio was a great experience for the 2006 Young Leader Interns as it was our first exposure at a TMS conference in this role. The Young Leaders Committee is involved with some well-planned initiatives aimed at increasing interest and involvement of the next generation of materials scientists in TMS and their own career development. I am pleased to be involved with this committee and its objectives. Attendance at the Annual Meeting allowed me to become more familiar with the organizations within TMS, specifically the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) and Structural Materials Division (SMD). I also had the pleasure of joining a newly formed committee, the Product Metallurgy & Applications Committee (SMD), which is off to a great start with some planned activities for 2007. I look forward to continued involvement with TMS; the Young Leader program is a great way to jumpstart involvement with the society.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Firdosh Kavarana -
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- Other: It was a very good TMS meeting in San Francisco. As a Young Leader Intern I had a very positive experience when it comes to TMS as a whole. Very good papers were presented which helped me widen my outlook about the materials world. It would be a good idea to involve every Young Leader Intern with some sort of activity which would help them know the committee members on a personal level. Maybe give an opportunity to the Young Leader Intern to pair up with an individual from a committee based on their individual interest or specialization.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Qingjun Zheng - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Arvind Agarwal -
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- Other: I am honored to have been chosen as one of the TMS 2004 Young Leader Interns. Over the last eight years, I have been associated with TMS in different capacities, beginning as a student member. This opportunity has provided me the opportunity to observe and participate in the organizational aspect of TMS activities. I would strongly encourage both students and young professionals to join TMS and participate in its activities to meet the future technical challenges and their professional goals. I am looking forward to meeting other TMS Young Leaders during the fall 2004 meeting in New Orleans.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Andrea Hodge -
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- Other: I was very honored to be selected as a Structural Materials Division (SMD) Young Leader Intern for 2004. The TMS 2004 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Charlotte exposed me to old, new, and future research as well as to the day-to-day functions of TMS. One of the most fascinating items that I learned by attending the Board of Directors meeting was the fact that TMS has many members over 90 years old. Such loyalty from the members demonstrates that the Society's commitment to offer diverse and interesting forums as well as professional development opportunities to all of the membership indeed does work. I very much enjoyed my experience and I am looking forward to attending MS&T 2004.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Marta Vornbrock -
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- Other: I am very grateful for having been chosen as a 2004 TMS Young Leader Intern for the Materials PRocessing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD). The Young Leaders Program enabled me to attend the TMS 2004 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, meet other professionals, and sit in on various committee meetings, as well as the Board of Directors meeting. This allowed me to learn a great deal about the mission and structure of TMS. As a recent graduate, I am especially appreciative of the support that this program will continue to provide as I transition from student to professional. I am looking forward to attending MS&T'04 and would highly recommend the Young Leaders Program and the TMS Annual Meeting to any young professional who wants to become active in the materials field.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Joy Hines -
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- Other: I was very honored to be selected as a Light Metals Division (LMD)Young Leader Intern for 2003. This year was particularly interesting for me because I was able to see some of the inner workings of the Society itself and develop a better understanding of how a professional organization can help me in my professional development as well as influence the future of the materials industry. In addition to attending sessions on Magnesium Technology, Cast Shop Technology, Computational Phase Transformations, and Automotive Alloys, I also attended several committee meetings including the LMD council meeting, Solidification Committee, Student Affairs Committee, and Young Leaders Committee meetings. I also appreciated the opportunity to attend the Board of Directors meeting, which allowed me to see how TMS is run and also gave me a greater appreciation for the fact that this is truly a member-led organization. I would like to thank LMD and TMS for giving me the opportunity to participate in the meetings this year. I would like to continue to be involved in TMS for years to come.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Khaled Morsi - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Chad Spore -
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- Other: As a Young Leader Internship recipient, I was able to attend my first TMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington. This experience provided me new insights into TMS and opportunities to be involved in TMS committees. The Young Leaders program provides an excellent stepping stone for young members to a vital part of TMS and helps bridge the age gap within the Society. I would like to thank the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division and TMS for this opportunity. I look forward to working with TMS in the future.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Keith Poole -
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- Affiliation: Ispat Inland Inc,
- Other: As a Young Leader (YL) Intern, I was able to participate in the TMS 2001 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in New Orleans. The main focus of my visit was attendance at the TMS Young Leaders business meeting on Sunday, where I joined the five other YL interns, along with young leaders from previous years. I was also able to participate in the membership committee meeting, which was a great experience for me. We discussed member retention, development, and participation, and about what value TMS can provide to its membership via the website and local chapters. During my second day at the conference, I attended the YL Tutorial Luncheon Lecture given by Patrick Taylor, Funsho Ojebupboh , and Corby Anderson. This gave me unique insights from a professor's, manager's and consultant's point of view. Finally, I also attended a full day of technical presentations covering skill training systems, elements of effective safety programs, void growth during ductile fracture, fatigue crack monitoring, current and future directions in sheet metal stamping, segmented dies for the forming of tailor-weld steel blanks, re-configurable dies for sheet metal forming, and steel sheet hydroforming. My attendance at this conference was a very beneficial experience for me, and I have several ideas for training that could be implemented at Ispat Inland. I would like to thank TMS for supporting me financially.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Darius Singh -
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- Affiliation: Ford Motor Co. of New Zealand,
- Other: As a 2001 Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) Young Leader Intern, I was given the opportunity to participate in the following meetings: the Young Leaders meeting and reception, MPMD Council meeting, Solidification Committee meeting, Process Modelling Analysis & Control Committee meeting, TMS Board of Directors meeting, and the awards ceremony and dinner. This gave me a tremendous insight into the inner workings of the many bodies within TMS as well as management of the entire Society. It was great to see the amount of enthusiasm, dedication, and personal time devoted in the various committees. The awards ceremony was one of the highlights and I enjoyed hearing and personally meeting those who were recognized for lifetime contributions and exceptional levels of achievement. This was a most inspiring night and I was honored to be among those who were formally congratulated by the Society and to see many examples of roadmaps for successful and rewarding careers. There were some outstanding presentations reflecting frontiers in science and technology and practical breakthroughs for industry. My main areas of research interest lie in aluminium shape casting, cast house technology, and magnesium technology and it was pleasing to see many excellent contributions in these fields. In summary, I believe that the objectives set out in Young Leader Intern program are well met as this is an effective and exciting means of getting young professionals involved in TMS activities and networking with other professionals and senior members. I am honored to have been chosen as a 2001 Young Leader Intern for MPMD and am very much looking forward to further participation in future events.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Angelique Neuman -
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- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Laboratory,
- Other: As a Young Leader Intern for 2000 I was given the opportunity to attend any committee meeting of my choice including the TMS Board of Directors meeting and the awards ceremony and dinner. Besides the above mentioned meetings, I chose to attend the Young Leaders Committee meeting and reception, the Nuclear Materials Committee meeting, the Waste Treatment and Minimization Committee meeting, and the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) Council meeting at which Iver Anderson took me under his wing. Anderson invited me to a planning meeting for the next couple of global symposia and I volunteered to help judge student presentations. I also attended some of the talks and tutorial luncheons. All in all, I found this to be a great opportunity to network as well as listen to some outstanding presentations. I would like to thank TMS, the Young Leaders Program, the MPMD Council, and Iver Anderson for affording me this opportunity.
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Deborah Salmon -
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- Affiliation: Varian Medical Systems,
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
David Alven -
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- Affiliation: Aerojet Ordnance Tennessee,
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Canan Hardwicke -
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- Affiliation: General Electric,
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Janice Klansky -
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- Affiliation: Buehler Ltd.,
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
No award given.
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Mark Dubecky -
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- Affiliation: General Electric,
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Michael Miles -
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- Affiliation: American National Can Company,
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Jennifer Myles -
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MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Joseph Domblesky -
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- Affiliation: Marquette University,
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Jon Kellar -
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- Affiliation: South Dakota School of Mines,
MPMD Young Leaders Professional Development
Thomas Lillo -
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- Affiliation: Idaho National Engineering Laboratory,