JOM Editorial Calendar - Topic Details

Advancements in Characterization and Modeling of Nuclear Materials

Manuscript Submission Deadline: April 01, 2025
Guest Editor: Md Ali Muntaha
Co-Guest Editors: Arya Chatterjee
Publication Date: October 2025
Keywords: Characterization, Computational Materials Science & Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, Nuclear Materials, Phase Transformations
Scope: This topic focuses on cutting-edge characterization techniques including but not limited to novel electron microscopy, spectroscopy, neutron scattering, atom probe tomography, and in situ approaches to elucidate nuclear materials phenomena. These highlight roles in identifying defects, phase transformations, and performance degradation mechanisms. Moreover, it addresses recent multiscale modeling advancements, including implementation of machine learning, accelerated simulation paradigms, and 3D/4D techniques to understand fundamental processes in material synthesis and performance within nuclear environments across scales. Research bridging different length and time scales and capturing multi-physics and integrating characterization and modeling techniques synergistically, is especially encouraged.
Call for Papers: Download

How to Submit a Manuscript

Please read the detailed Instructions for Authors and upload your manuscript at the Editorial Manager website for JOM. To ensure sufficient time for peer review, papers will not be accepted after the posted manuscript submission deadline. Original research papers should be 3,000-9,000 words with up to 12 figures maximum; review papers should be 6,000-11,000 words with up to 20 figures maximum.

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