JOM: The Journal
Peer-reviewed articles covering the full range of minerals, metals, and materials

Technical Topics in the July 2024 Issue

  • Aluminum: Eliminating GHG Emissions

    Editors: Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Reykjavik University; and Sai Krishna Padamata, Reykjavik University
  • Characterization Techniques and Methods for Low-Carbon Metallurgical Processes

    Editor: : Zhiwei Peng, Central South University
  • Materials Processing and Kinetic Phenomena: In Honor of Carl V. Thompson

    Editors: Hang Yu, Virginia Tech; Matteo Seita, University of Cambridge; Steven Boles, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Jihun Oh, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; and Jerrold Floro, University of Virginia

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JOM is published monthly in partnership with Springer (ISSN 1047-4838).