William Hume-Rothery Award

This award recognizes a scientific leader for an exceptional and sustained record of scholarly contributions to the science of alloys by inviting him/her to be an honored presenter at the William Hume-Rothery Memorial Symposium.

The awardee participates with the Alloy Phase Committee in organizing this symposium held in conjunction with the TMS Annual Meeting approximately two years following selection.

This award honors the memory of the great pioneer in alloy phases, William Hume-Rothery. It is considered a pinnacle award.

For more information on this award, view the bylaws.


Must demonstrate exceptional and sustained record of scholarly contributions to the science of alloys.

How to Nominate

Submission Deadline:
April 1 of each year.
Note: Lectureship awards are considered two years in advance of the presentation year.

Please submit the following documents to complete the nomination process:

  1. Completed nomination form.
  2. Nominator's Supporting Statement: This statement is to be included within the principal nominator’s cover letter of endorsement. The supporting statement should outline the qualifications of the nominee for the specific honor/award. The nominator’s supporting letter should be no more than two pages.
  3. Current resume or curriculum vitae, with list of most prominent publications, no more than 5 pages.
  4. A minimum of two but not more than five letters of endorsement are required. Each letter should be no longer than one page. No more than one letter of endorsement may be from the same affiliation as the nominee. The nominator’s letter may be counted in the total number required.

Send complete nomination packet to TMS Awards.

Current Year Awardee(s)

New award winners will be posted soon. Check back later.

Past Years Awardees

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