JOM Editorial Calendar - Topic Details

EUROMAT23: Micro- and Nano-mechanics – Characterization and Modelling

Manuscript Submission Deadline: November 01, 2023
Guest Editor: Verena Maier-Kiener
Co-Guest Editors: André Clausner
Sponsored By: Other-Invited
Publication Date: May 2024
Keywords: Characterization, Computational Materials Science & Engineering, Experimental Methods, Mechanical Properties, Modeling and Simulation, Small Scale Mechanics
Scope: Small-scale mechanical testing has become a mature and well-established field of research. Nevertheless, the methodologies themselves and the materials under study continuously evolve due to exciting new possibilities in instrumentation and high-performance computing. Specifically, combinations of advanced small-scale mechanical testing, high-resolution 3D-imaging, cutting-edge in-situ and operando techniques, data-driven mechanics, advanced multi-scale modelling, and artificial-intelligence algorithms allow new insights into the deformation behaviour of materials. This topic aims at bringing together these fast-growing research communities to support interdisciplinary approaches in micro- and nanomechanics with the objective of gaining insights into small-scale behaviour across all material classes.
Call for Papers: Download

How to Submit a Manuscript

Please read the detailed Instructions for Authors and upload your manuscript at the Editorial Manager website for JOM. To ensure sufficient time for peer review, papers will not be accepted after the posted manuscript submission deadline. Original research papers should be 3,000-9,000 words with up to 12 figures maximum; review papers should be 6,000-11,000 words with up to 20 figures maximum.

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